SELF-PORTRAITS/Drawing Get out your JOURNAL and something to write with!!
What do you think makes a “GOOD” Portrait?
5 Pictures of yourself, family, friends, etc… Some Profile Some Straight Forward From the Waist up Use your Hands and Gestures! MUST have one in front of the white sheet!!!!
How the project will be GRADED … Self-Portraits/Drawing Product (Contents): 5 Digital Portraits before you begin! Complete one freehand self portrait 12X18 inch to practice and TRY, TRY, TRY as hard as you can Must complete ONE 18X18 inch minimum size portrait in pencil, FINAL PROJECT The final project must include a well thought background; this is free choice any medium
Process (Craftsmanship): Take care in your work; KEEP it neat! Take PRIDE in your work and take your time Pencil drawing must be clean and all extra marks must be erased Must complete and turn in value worksheet before you begin self-portrait
Studio time: Stayed on task Supplies MUST be put away where they go! Worked continuously throughout the class period Must participate in clean up & put materials AWAY Make up any missed days: That means excused or unexcused, 3 tardies = 1 absence