C OMMUNICATION WITH A PBIS T IER 2 S YSTEM Scott Walter Riverside Elementary School Menomonee Falls
W HERE ARE W E ? Affinity Diagram Tool with Tier 1/Tier 2 in Fall December Meeting with Tier 2 (1/2 day) Met with District PBIS Coach Situation Analysis Tool Listed all concerns – separated/clarified Turned concerns into action statements Rank action statements according to current and future impact Prioritize overall
T OP P RIORITIES R IGHT N OW Goal: Full implementation with fidelity by June, 2015 Make data more visible and take more action with data New Behavior Collaborative Support Team process Clarify and Begin Social Academic Instructional Groups for staff Introduce Mentoring Program to staff Come to agreement on decision rules for enter/exit Designate one person to oversee Tier 2 Communicate place for slips to be turned in for Check-in/Check out
3 ODRs in 6 weeks, Teacher Nomiation, Parent Nomination, or Self Nomination CICO Meeting Goal of 80% for 80% of 6 Weeks Behavior CST Self CICO for 4 Weeks Successful Completion of CICO program Discuss Individualized CICO for more targeted issues (Restart 6 week cycle) Successful Completion of CICO Program -OR- Restart CICO for new 6 week Cycle Not meeting 80% Goal for 80% of the 6 weeks OR 2+ ODRs during that time Behavior CSTBasic SAIGComplex SAIG Other (Mentoring, Individual CICO, continue CICO for new 6 week cycle)
D AILY P ROGRESS R EPORT The Riverside Way – Safe, Respectful and Responsible Added individual goal line for better communication Parents notified daily Progress monitoring graphs from SWIS sent home every few weeks
T IER 2 C ELEBRATIONS Few times/year Parents Notified Invite a friend
A DDITIONAL F AMILY C OMMUNICATION Family Night – info./family matrix Booth at Back to School Registration Fair Parents always notified with any change to intervention CICO/SAIG unsuccessful…SST meeting with parents
Scott Walter Principal Riverside Elementary School