Building the Partnership with Societies: Review of Vision 2012 Emily Dunbar Director, Society Relations EMEA CFA Institute
Vision 2012: Strengthen Societies EMEA Strategy ■ Partner ■ Invest ■ Support 34 Societies ■ United Kingdom ■ Seven Sisters: France; Germany; Netherlands; Switzerland; Emirates; Russia; South Africa ■ Others 2/3/20122 Society Membership Society Members 7% CAGR Candidates 9% CAGR 2008 (12,862) (16,702) Building the Partnership with Societies
Vision 2012: Raise Standards 3 Society Member Service Standards Financial Resources Technical Resources Strategic Direction Governance & Leadership Value Proposition Operations & Administration Operational Funding Growth Funding Online Planning/Analytics Tool (in development) SLRC Member/Candidate Data Websites/Events Portal 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
4 Shared Mission Aligned Objectives Partnership and Alignment Brand Management Vision 2015 and Beyond CFA Institute CFA Societies Members Candidates Regulators Employers Universities 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Invest: EMEA Support Centre Staff GrowthAreas of Expertise ■ Society Relations/Planning ■ Marketing, Communications and PR ■ Industry Relations ■ Membership ■ Candidate Prospecting ■ Curriculum Development ■ Multi-Media ■ Events ■ Education/University Relations ■ Financial Reporting ■ Capital Markets 5 Multiple Nationalities Multiple Languages 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Partner and Invest: Staffed Offices 6 Anne-Katrin Scherer, CFA Swiss CFA Society Susan Spinner, CFA German CFA Society Vladimir Tutkevich CFA Association (Russia) Terri Thompson CFA Society of the Netherlands 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies Staff Growth
Partner and Invest: Administrative Pilot 7 CFA Institute - Member/Candidate Communications - Membership Recruitment/Retention Strategies - Events Management - Planning/Processes Belgium France Luxembourg √ More Events √ More Members √ Greater Participation √ More Volunteers 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Building the Partnership: Germany ■ Society Relations: development and review of business plan and balanced scorecard ■ Marketing & Communications : joint marketing plan and management of PR agency ■ SFMI: liaison with advocacy committee, support in identifying topics, advocacy internship ■ Education: CFA Program Partner initiatives, conferences/speakers, multi-media 8 Balanced Scorecard Dashboard Member Satisfaction Member/Candidate Growth FinancialsActivities 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Partner and Invest: PR 9 Societies Raise Awareness / Promote CFA Program PR Agencies Switzerland Germany France Spain Russia Middle East Switzerland Germany France Spain Russia Middle East Member Surveys Media Tours Placed / Syndicated Articles Press Releases CFA Institute CFA Societies 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Partner and Support: PR 102/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Partner and Support: Marketing & PR Society ToolkitsEvent Marketing 112/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Partner and Support: Education UniversitiesEducational Events 12 ■ CFA Program Partners: 47 universities in 16 countries ■ CFA Institute Research Challenge: 25 local competitions ■ New: expansion of university network through Recognition Program ■ Travelling Conferences: 12 countries visited since 2008 ■ EIC x 4: Amsterdam; Frankfurt; Copenhagen; Paris ■ MEIC x 3: Manama; Abu Dhabi; Qatar ■ Single Speaker/Author Series: 3 tours of up to 6 locations each to date (launched 2011) Society Conferences CyprusIstanbul RussiaUkraine UKPoland Switzerland South Africa New: Central and Eastern European Conference (collaborative event to be launched in Romania) 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies
Partner and Support: Advocacy National Activity ■ UK: participation on advocacy committees ■ France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy: more intensive, direct support for national efforts; similar focus on additional group of countries in pipeline ■ Practical Guide: definition of 3 tiers of society advocacy involvement, with practical advice – coming soon! Thought Leadership 2/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies13 ■ Collaboration on surveys: e.g. EU members poll on Stability Bonds, leading to syndicated event programme across EMEA ■ Papers translated (French, German, Spanish) and distributed to national media, e.g. An Examination of Transparency in European Bond Markets, by Rhodri Preece, CFA
EMEA Regional Website 142/3/2012Building the Partnership with Societies