Welcome to Back to School Night!
A little about myself Honor Graduate of National Pedagogical University, Kiev, Ukraine – Master’s Degree in Mathematics – Master’s Degree in Physics Education Graduate of Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York –Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmacy
Financial Literacy in BTHS 1.Required to be completed at High School level by NJ Board of Education. 2.The course is taught using W!SE (Working in Support of Education) Certification Literacy Program, now offered in 30 states nationally. 3.Upon successful completion of Nationally Standardized Financial Literacy Certification Test students will earn their CFL certificate. 4.The Final Exam is standardized, generated by W!SE national team, administered via one computer session at the end of the semester.
Concepts to be learned Money –Concept, sources of income, factors influencing, paycheck, cost of money, interest rate, inflation, etc. Budgeting –Financial goals, purpose, budget factors, balancing, emergency funds Banking –Savings, safety, services, products, checking, electronic transfers, loans, credits Credit –Types, sources, benefits, costs, advantages or disadvantages, risks, credit cards, credit scores, loans, mortgages, consumer responsibilities Insurance –Types, needs, risks, terms, considerations Investing – Types, terms, differences, funds, bonds, stocks, markets, investing strategies Money management, housing, financial and retirement planning Regulatory agencies
Grading Policy Handbook – MCVSD Grading Policy –Primary Assessments (tests, projects) 60% –Secondary Assessments (quizzes) 30% –Other Assessment (homework, classwork) 10% Late work / missing assignments are accepted as per district policy
All Information And Recourses could be found on my Wiki Friendlymath.pbworks.com or could be accessed trough the Naviance website linked to my name
Have a Great Year!