A 12-mW ADC Delta–Sigma Modulator With 80 dB of Dynamic Range Integrated in a Single-Chip Bluetooth Transceiver IEEE JSSC, VOL. 37, NO. 3, MARCH 2002 Jorge Grilo, Member, IEEE, Ian Galton, Member, IEEE, Kevin Wang, Member, IEEE, and Raymond G. Montemayor, Associate Member, IEEE Wei-Chih 2009/04/02
Outline Abstract Introduction Bluetooth receiver architecture Delta–sigma modulator topology Circuit design Experimental results Conclusions Wei-chih
Abstract SC multi-bit ADC DSM for baseband demodulation integrated in a single-chip Bluetooth radio-modem transceiver. SNDR=77dB,DR=80dB ,fs=32MHZ at BW=500KHZ. The 1-mm2 circuit is implemented in a 0.35-μm BiCMOS SOI process and consumes 4.4 mA of current from a 2.7-V supply. Wei-chih
Introduction Direct down-conversion receivers are promising Off-chip filters. (Minimize) Much of the signal processing to be performed efficiently in the digital domain. Combination of high dynamic range and low power dissipation Low-order DSM with multi-bit quantization and a BiCMOS process. Multi-bit quantization made problem Mismatch-shaping DACs modified to reduce processing latency. Wei-chih
Bluetooth receiver architecture A:Low noise amplification. B:Quadrature down-conversion. C:Anti-aliasing filter. Digital domain Channel filtering, Demodulation, and clock and data recovery. B A C Wei-chih
Delta–sigma modulator topology (cont.) Higher order single-loop architecture with one-bit quantization or a MASH architecture could have been used instead. One-bit=lower input no-overload range. Less aggressive quantization noise shaping=higher order. N order=requiring N+1 opamps. (Power consumption) Analog and digital in the presence mismatching. (MASH) Inherent loss in DR due to internal signal scaling. Wei-chih
Delta–sigma modulator topology In contrast the multi-bit second-order architecture Only two opamps. (Low current consumption) Its no-overload range is nearly equal to its reference voltage. Allows for smaller input sampling capacitors. Mismatch-shaping DACs the current consumed by this logic is small compared. Wei-chih
Circuit design (cont.) Switched-capacitor top-level design Scaling coefficients First:confine the high-gain most linear region of the amplifiers. Second:comply with the input common-mode requirements of the comparators in the internal flash ADC. Third:loading conditions of clock phases, choice of the input capacitor size. (Optimum) Wei-chih
Circuit design (cont.) Operational amplifier Two-stage miller-compensated configuration. Bipolar devices in the second stage results in ease of phase compensation at very modest current levels. (& CMOS) BW=350MHZ,Gain=80dB,PM=80°,Vcm=1.35 V Wei-chih
Circuit design (cont.) Comparator Used in the Flash ADC The use of bipolar devices at the input stage resulted in a design with low input-referred offset at low current levels. The estimated deviation of the input-referred offset is 4 mV. Wei-chih
Circuit design (cont.) The Feedback Path Mismatch noise shaping digital encoder Wei-chih
Circuit design (cont.) swapper cell Wei-chih
Circuit design (cont.) He digital encoder is designed to suppress the power of the DAC noise in the frequency band below 500 KHZ. Wei-chih
Simulation output spectrum Measured output spectrum Circuit design Simulated Results Simulation output spectrum Measured output spectrum Wei-chih
Experimental results (cont.) Signal freq=31.25KHZ SNDR=77dB DR=80dB Wei-chih
Experimental results Wei-chih
DSM ADC for direct-conversion Bluetooth radio-modem transceive. Conclusions DSM ADC for direct-conversion Bluetooth radio-modem transceive. Mismatch-shaping DAC logic for minimize latency. Bipolar (npn) transistors in the opamps and comparators also resulted in current savings. Wei-chih