September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 1 Functional Planning Standards & Guidelines __________________________
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 2 Standards & Guidelines Residential Densities: These depend upon local practices. –Low Density –Medium Density –High Density Example: For one suburban community in Ottawa, the following were used: –Low Density: 12 units per acre –Medium Density: 15 units per acre –High Density: 30 units per acre For another site in Ottawa, you may wish to use much higher densities. Units: 1 Acre = hectare = 4047 Sq.m
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 3 Standards & Guidelines – cont’d Elementary, Middle and High Schools –3+ Acres/1000 persons –Alternatively establish schools & their areas explicitly (e.g. Elementary Schools: approx. 5 acres). Neighbourhood Commercial –0.6 acres/1000 persons (approx.) Parks & Open Space –Min. 4 Acres/1000 persons –10+ Acres/1000 persons (very approx.) Roads –No set standards –Guidelines suggest approx Acres/1000 persons
September 2005Urban Planning Carleton University 4 Standards & Guidelines – cont’d Recreation (Open Space) Open space: 4 acres/1000 persons Open space + recreation: should be more Recreation: for 10,000 persons: need min. of 40 acres Min. Requirements: –Neighbourhood: 2 Acres –Community: 4 Acres –District:20 Acres Req. for 10,000 persons: –Neighbourhood park: 5 Acres –Community park: 15 Acres –District park: 20 Acres