What I am supposed to know Question:What particles are there in an atom? Answer:The Electrons The Protons The Neutrons
What I am supposed to know Question:What charge does an electron, proton and neutron each have? Answer:An electron is negatively charged A proton is positively charged A neutron is neutrally charged
What is Electricity Electricity is a form of energy which is associated with electric charge.
Electric Charge Electricity consists of electric charges carried mainly by protons and electrons. Electric charge comes in two forms: 1.Positive 2.Negative Electrons and protons carry the same amount of electric charge, but the positive charge of the proton is exactly opposite the negative charge of the electron.
Electric Charge Question:If an object has more protons than electrons, what charge will it have? Answer:Positive charge
Electric Charge Question:If an object has more electrons than protons, what charge will it have? Answer:Negative charge
Electric Charge Question:If an object has the same number of electrons and protons, then what charge will it have? Answer:No charge (or a neutral charge)
Electric Charge Question:Will opposite charges attract or repel each other? Answer:Attract Question:Will like charges attract or repel each other? Answer:Repel
Electric Charge When electric charges are stationary, then this is referred to as STATIC ELECTRICITY When electric charges are moving, then this is referred to as ELECTRIC CURRENT
Static Electricity Static electricity can be produced by rubbing together two objects made of different materials. Electrons move from the surface of one object to the surface of the other. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, since it now has more electrons than protons.
Static Electricity Question:What will be the charge of the other material and why? Answer:Positively charged because it gave up electrons, and will now have more protons than electrons.
Static Electricity How do you determine which material will give up or lose electrons, and which will gain electrons? Answer:By the position of the material in THE TRIBOELECTRIC SERIES
The Triboelectric Series Under ideal conditions, if two materials are rubbed together, the one higher on the list should give up electrons and become positively charged. Your hand, Glass,Your hair, Nylon, Wool, Fur, Silk, Paper, Cotton, Hard rubber, Polyester PVC Plastic
The Triboelectric Series Identify giving reasons, what will happen when the following materials are rubbed together: 1.Glass and wool 2.Hard rubber and nylon 3.PVC Plastic and your hand 4.Paper and polyester
Assessment 1.What is electricity? A form of energy associated with electric charges 2.Electric charges are carried mainly by what two particles which can be found in atoms? Electrons and Protons 3.What are the two forms or types of electric charges? Positive and Negative
Assessment 4.When an object loses electrons, what is its overall charge? Positive 5.When an object gains electrons, what is its overall charge? Negative 6.When an object has the same number of protons and electrons, what is its charge? No charge, or neutrally charged
Assessment 7.Unlike charges will _____ each other. Attract 8.Like charges will _____ each other. Repel 9.When electric charges move this in electricity is referred to as _______. Electric Current 10.When electric charges are stationary, this in electricity is referred to as _____. Static Electricity
Assessment 11.How can static electricity be produced? By rubbing together two objects made of different materials. 12.When PVC and silk are rubbed together, which one becomes negatively charged and which one becomes positively charged? Silk becomes positively charged and PVC negatively charged. 12.Based on what you know so far about electric charges in static electricity, which particle is responsible for objects becoming charged? Why? The electron because it is the particle which is easier to move from object to object.
HOME WORK Based on the activity given for home work last day with the plastic pen being rubbed in your hair or by a piece of cloth, and placed near to tiny pieces of paper 1.Draw diagrams showing the charges on the pen and the cloth before they were rubbed, then 2.Draw diagrams showing the charges on the pen and the cloth after they were rubbed, then 3.Draw diagrams of the pieces of paper (only draw one piece) showing its charges, before the pen was brought close to it, then 4.Draw diagrams of the pen and the pieces of paper (only draw one piece) showing the charges, when the pen is brought near to the pieces of paper (remember, only draw one piece)