Elizabethan Era Music By Clayton Hoff
Types of Music Played Simple Songs and Ballads were sung in the villages and fields to ease the monotonous tasks undertaken by the Lower Class. Elizabethan Music was sophisticated and varied in forms, such as: Church Music, Court Music, Street Music, Town Music, and Theatre Music.
Who Played Music? Street Bands, known as “The Waits” were official musicians in large English towns. Every noble man employed his own musician. Some Middle Class households employed at least one servant who could play an instrument.
Entertainment Info Music was an important form of entertainment to people in the Elizabethan Era. The Elizabethan age saw the emergence of the Anthem, the Madrigal, Opera, and Music Schools.
What was the feeling from Music? Elizabethan Music reflected all types of moods and emotions. Elizabethan instruments was used during plays to give a feeling or mood of a certain setting or scene.
Works Cited era.org.uk/elizabethan-sports.htm era.org.uk/elizabethan-sports.htm