Brain Anatomy
12/01/15 Brain Anatomy Key Question: What kinds of jobs does the brain do? Initial Thoughts:
Evidence: Notes Glue the article on the RIGHT page, take Notes on the LEFT Page
Evidence #2: Left/Right Brain Go to the following website: Characteristics of: Left BrainRight Brain
Take the quiz tm tm QUIZ RESULTS: Record your results in the journal 1.What side brain are you? Click Read Advice for Left Brain StudentsRead Advice for Left Brain Students 2. What are some characteristics that stand out as true about you? 3. What is some of the study advice that you think would help you the most?
A Caveat… Brain lateralization is not set in stone. Just because you are right brained today, doesn’t mean you will be a year from now or later. Your brain will change as you reach adulthood and beyond!
Analysis Questions 1.What are the 3 parts of the brain and their main functions? 2.What do you think would happen if someone was injured in their occipital lobe? 3.Some one you know well had a brain injury, and can’t recognize your face. On what side of their brain was their injury? Explain.
Summary In a well developed paragraph: – What did you think before about how the brain is organized? (look back at your initial thoughts) – What did you learn about how the brain is organized? Be specific! (look back at your evidence section). – What evidence do you have that you learned this? – Further Thoughts Make sure this is thoughtful and thorough
Reflection Write a poem about your brain
Big Idea
Done? Play the Split Brain Game: cine/split-brain/splitbrainexp.html cine/split-brain/splitbrainexp.html (Also found on my Links page)