With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe Chapter 3 Challenging Christianity – The Dilemma of New Understandings
Part 1 - Media Presentation 1 - Karen Armstrong interviewed by Alan Jones of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, 27 Feb 08 On Religion – New and Old Understandings.
Part 1 - Media Presentation 2 - Marcus Borg. A tidbit from an hour on politics and religion with Christine Pelosi at Beatitude Society 28 Feb 08 On Religion – not either or
With or Without God – Gretta Vosper. why the way we live is more important than what we believe - Chapter 3 Challenging Christianity – The Dilemma of New Understandings Part 2 Analysis of Chapter 3
Challenging Christianity Our world is demanding that our worldviews change (p 102). But, how should they change?
Three Good Things Cognitive Dissonance Left/Right Brain Disconnect Liturgy as ‘Coverup’
Three Bad Things Misunderstanding Myth Either/Or Thinking Living in the Zeitgeist
Likes 1. Cognitive Dissonance Faith compartmentalized – both in training and reception of minister’s messages.
Likes 2. Left/Right Brain Disconnect We have a left brain church tradition. We do not well handle right brain realities.
Likes 3. Liturgy as ‘Coverup’ We have discovered the value of liturgy but use it as a gloss for contradictions in meaning.
Dislikes 1. Misunderstanding Myth Vosper is a left brain person who does not appreciate right brain imagery.
Dislikes 2. Either/Or Disdain Her critique of Borg misunderstandings his attempt to see the good in two sides of an argument.
Dislikes 3. Living in the Zeitgeist She honours the spirit of our times, but fails to appreciate the theological achievements of the past.
Break - Discussion Questions 1.How do you feel after reading Vosper’s critique of our own moderate to liberal United Church ways? 2. What theological approach should St. David’s ministers use in their preaching and teaching?