Count to five before beginning Good Morning Kemps Landing and Old Donation School Today is Wednesday February 10, 2016 The time is 8:30 Please stand for the pledge Count to five before beginning the pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Flag Of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
Pause for 10 seconds The thought for the day When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback. Honesty Shines Bright!
Here’s the news you need to know: There is still time to sign up for the 8K race- please bring your completed registration form to Mrs. Harris in the gym by tomorrow February 11th. Intramurals today will be floor hockey. All middle school students are welcome.
Be sure to take time to send a card! Please place your card in the Valentine collection box located in the cafeteria by this Friday, Feb 12. This is your chance to show kindness and make a difference in someone’s life.
All middle school students are invited to the Valentine Dance, to be held this Friday, Feb. 12 The dance begins at 3:30 pm and ends at 5:30 pm Refreshments and pizza will be available. Come enjoy a sfun social event for all Middle School students sponsored by your KLMS band! !Tickets will go on sale today through Thursday during all lunches. We can only sell 300 tickets so, first come first served. Cost is $5.00 per ticket.
The elementary SCA is collecting items for the Beach Bag program. Help the Elementary SCA help the Beach Bag Program fill beach bags with food for students who are less fortunate. This program makes sure they have food over the weekend.
Beach Bag Donation List includes Individual cereal boxes 8 oz shelf stable milk Shelf-stable main course items (such as ravioli, tuna, soups etc.) Fruit cups or 100% juice boxes Snack items such as granola bars, pop tarts, crackers, etc.
Congratulations to the following students for being selected for the first ever Student Technology Team! Justin Estanislao Rohan Rathi Mercer Howard Victoria Carlson Andrew Hammock
Michael Tu Tommy Fuller Ilyas Alaska Dillon Bader Carolyn Lopez-Howard Gwyneth Carlson
And Remember
*No Excuses
*Make it Happen
*Today is your day to Shine!