Do Now 8/24/15 Put your name tent on your desk, or create one with your full name as follows: (Write in large letters) Write your homework in your agenda (see the white board on the side wall). Read your course syllabus. Sally Student
Beginning of class expectations 1. You must be in your seat by the time the bell rings with all materials you’ve picked up or else it is a demerit for being tardy (simply not being in the room is enough). 2. Take out homework, writing utensil, agenda, and any other items listed on the PowerPoint. 3. If homework isn’t on your desk by the time I come to you, you will earn LaSalle.
Partner sideAisle side (All other materials under your desk) # SSR Agenda (on top) Homework Do Now Pen Name Tent
N OTES ON C LASS P ROCEDURES Public Speaking Mr. Redick
Importance of homework in Public Speaking Homework should be completed thoughtfully when it is assigned (which should not be TOO much) Agendas will be checked randomly and demerits issued if everything isn’t written exactly as it is on the whiteboard. Homework must be on your desk before I get to you during HW check. Otherwise, you will receive LaSalle.
Tonight’s HW Signed syllabus
Who is Mr. Redick? Born in San Diego Attended college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and majored in Music and English Avid singer and composer Taught in St. Louis Enjoys making music, cheese, and talking about books.
The Danger of Silence Think, Pair, Share Think to yourself for 15 seconds Turn to a partner and share your thoughts for sec. Share out with the full class 1 at a time. Questions: 1) What is the “danger of silence?” 2) What do you think it means to “speak your truth?”
A word about note-taking You are responsible to maintain adequate notes When guided notes are given, you are expected to follow along and fill in all blanks. You may be asked to read guided notes. If you are not immediately prepared, you may lose class participation points. (You are expected to copy all notes from the board unless otherwise instructed.)
Start of Class -Come to class prepared. You should have the following items with you at the start of every class: pen, pencil, loose leaf paper, binder, homework folder, silent sustained reading (SSR) book, and agenda. If your lack of preparation disrupts my teaching or your learning, you may receive demerits or LaSalle. -When you cross the threshold of the classroom, your volume should be at level __0____. -Take your seat, write your homework in your agenda, place the previous night’s homework on your desk or pass it (see board), and begin work on your Do Now. -When the bell rings, your volume should be at level ___0___. -If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be marked _tardy__.
Do Now -Put forth your best effort on your Do Now. It may be entered as a grade. -You may not work with a partner, but you are welcome to use any notes or handouts from class. -Have your agenda with you at all times; agendas may be checked randomly for a participation grade. Agendas should be on your desk during the Do Now every day. Write your homework down at the beginning of class. -When you have finished your Do Now, read your SSR book..
Handing in homework -Teacher will check homework while students complete their Do Now. -Homework that is not out and ready to be checked will be considered __late__. -Homework that is missing or incomplete will earn a _LaSalle___. Students must make up the assignment in LaSalle that day and turn it in to my mailbox after LaSalle before 8 a.m. the next day for 50% credit. -Students should not wait until the next class day to turn in homework; it will not be accepted.
Hand Raising -Students are expected to raise their hands and wait to be acknowledged unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. -When speaking in class, use your strong voice. While you do not need to shout, you do need to speak loudly and clearly so that all students in the class can hear you. When you speak too softly to be heard by all, you prevent the class from hearing your good ideas. -When speaking in class, use complete sentences. If you do not use complete sentences, your teacher may prompt you to re-phrase your answer.
During class procedures -Follow class rules: Be responsible, be reasonable, be respectful. Classroom consequences: warning, demerit, removal from class. If you are removed from the classroom due to a disciplinary infraction, you will have an automatic _detention_. You will also need to participate in a productive conference with your instructor either at lunch or in LaSalle so you can return to class the following day. -Sit up straight and make eye contact. -Pass papers in a timely fashion.
During Class Procedures (continued) -Do not get up without permission. -Do not get up to throw anything away. Throw it out when class is over. -Do not get up to get a tissue. Raise your hand and cover your nose to indicate that you would like a tissue.
Tonight’s HW Signed syllabus HW1: Student Survey (link is at the top of the syllabus!) Due before 7:00pm on Friday!
Personal Needs -Should you need to use the bathroom during class, raise your hand and let me know. -Have one of your MCP passes ready. -If you do not have any MCP passes with you when you need to use the bathroom, you will earn a demerit. -Security will be called to escort you to the bathroom. Do not request a bathroom escort during instructional time except in case of an _emergency__; wait for independent work time.
Greeters - Each class will have an assigned greeter every day, as noted on the board. - Any time someone knocks on the door, the greeter must go to the door and follow these steps: Smile and make eye contact Shake hands Introduce yourself, ask the person’s name, and politely ask what brings them to Muchin (or to our classroom) Ask the person if they have any questions Ask the person if they would like to come in
Emergencies or drills -In the case of an emergency, fire drill, or any other situation that requires us to evacuate the building, follow these steps: Do NOT panic! It’s going to be all right. Quickly and silently line up and exit the room in single file. (Maintain level 0 – absolutely no talking) Exit to the nearest staircase. (Do NOT use elevators in an emergency or drill.) Outside, continue to The Bean in single file line. Note: from the time an alarm rings until you are back in your class, you may not speak.
Dismissal -The teacher dismisses you, not the _bell__. -Do not pack up your materials until the teacher tells you to do so. -Clean up after yourself, return your desk to its original position, and push in your chair.
Office hours If you need to speak with your teacher after school, please make an appointment in person or via .
Make-up work Classwork & Homework: -Please do not ask me about make-up work during passing period or class. You can pick it up from the appropriate spot in class after school or on your way into class. If you would like to talk with me about it, see me after school. You may also print your make-up work from the Muchin wiki: Tests & Quizzes -Make up tests or quizzes that you missed due to absence during my regular __office___ __hours___. [More details coming soon]