By J Swetha ( ) V V Aishwarya ( )
DICOM Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine is an Interface Implementation for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information that may reside at different locations, and of different modalities, and that can adapt to new Changes in Medical Imaging The main objective of this standard is to create an open (vendor independent) platform for the communication of medical images and related data. It includes a file format definition and a network communication protocol. By adapting the DICOM standard, medical images generated from a variety of modalities and manufacturers can be interfaced as an integrated health care system. The two most distinguished new features in DICOM are 1. adaptation of the object-oriented data model for message exchange 2. utilization of existing standard network communication protocols (TCP).
Why DICOM? Transmission of images and textual information between health care information systems has always been difficult for two reasons. 1. Information Systems use different computer platforms 2. Images and data are generated from various imaging modalities by different manufacturers. By Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), it has become feasible to integrate all these heterogeneous, disparate medical images and textual data into an organized system. Interfacing two health care components requires two ingredients 1. a common data format 2. a communication protocol. It is possible to share health care information between the hospital information systems (HIS), the radiology information systems (RIS), and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS).
DICOM Features Improved Quality of Care High Availability and Manageability Meeting Regulatory Requirements Significant Cost Savings Information Accuracy Cross-System Functionality Easy WorkFlow
DICOM Tool Five main components: Resource Manager Config Manager Command Handler DICOM Conformance Engine DICOM Communicator
USE CASE Diagram - Overall
Resource Manager Resource Manager is an interface between the DICOM specific subcomponents and the HMS. File System Helper Interface This sub-component contains interface classes related to the storage and retrieval of images and data on image store for HMS application. DB Helper Interface This sub-component contains methods for accessing the database.
Config Manager This component is a repository of user interface screens through which the user can enter the required configuration settings. The Config Manager provides the DICOM admin functionality through user friendly interface.
Command Handler This component consists of following sub component. – Parser – Deparser – Response ACK Generator Parser will generate the XML for both request and response. Deparse will de-parse the XML. Response ACK Generator will use the Parser to generate the response in the XML format.
DICOM CONFORMANCE ENGINE This component will be used for the following purpose. – Request Generation – Incoming Request Handling Request Generator This sub-component generates a request and corresponding dataset in the standard XML format as per standard DICOM dataset for specific DICOM Services. Incoming Handler This sub-component processes the data coming from the DICOM Decoder i.e. the Partial XML and converts it into a standard XML as per standard DICOM dataset for specific DICOM Service.
DICOM Communicator DICOM Communicator will have the following subcomponents. DICOM Server DICOM Client DICOM Encoder DICOM Decoder
DICOM Encoder converts the standard XML coming from the “Request Generator” or “Resource Ack Generator” to the DICOM dataset. DICOM Decoder decodes the incoming DICOM messages (i.e. Request for modality worklist/Response) from the peer and coverts them to equivalent XML format which can be understood by the rest of the framework’s implementation. DICOM Server works as a service provider to process all the requests coming from different Modalities. listens on the specific port for the incoming messages, it will determine the requested service message and perform the respective function and send the response to the requester. DICOM Server will support the following functionality. 1.Modality Worklist Request 2.Storage Request DICOM Client DICOM Client component sends the DICOM request to the peer system to service the request and receive the response generated by the server or service provider.
Class Diagram
Collaboration Diagram
Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram Sending Flow
Activity Diagram Receiving Flow
Activity Diagram for Sending Flow
Activity Diagram for Receiving Flow
Sequence Diagram for Sending Flow
Sequence Diagram for Receiving Flow
StateChart Diagram for HMS
State Chart Diagram for DICOM Tool Sending Flow
State Chart Diagram for DICOM Tool Receiving Flow
State Chart Diagram for Equipment
Component Diagram
Deployment Diagram
E-R Diagram
DICOM Tool is used for integrating and transferring images and information that may reside at different locations, and of different modalities, here the information of different modalities means the information may be of any type such as text or image. DICOM Tool provides semi-automatic incorporation of new image information into the Virtual medical Worlds (VMW) template, as soon as the images are entered into the database.
DICOM Available at: DICOM Part1: Introduction and Overview. Available at 7/07_01pu.pdf; Grady booch, james rumbaugh, and ivar jacobson, addison wesley, the unified modeling language user guide.