DADDS Report Information Update for TWG Kay Metcalf NOAA GOES DCS Program Manager May 6, 2014
2/22/2016NOAA GOES DCS2 DADDS Updates What’s New –CS2 Software Updates –“Always Up” implemented –Software to Distribute Data to LRIT –Active Domain Controller Pushes Patches to all Servers Improved Security, Reliability What’s Coming –Browser Updates, Framework Tools –System Use Agreement Processing and Tracking System (GOES, Argos and DRO) –Machine to Machine Interface (Automated PDT updates byYOU!) –Bulk Download (Network List? Query?) Still Need Tables Populated: PDT, Contact Information, Group Managers
2/22/2016NOAA GOES DCS3
2/22/2016NOAA GOES DCS4 Other Stuff DADDS Operational Notices RSS Feed Technicians Can update 24 hours a day Users can “subscribe” Need RSS “Reader Once we work out the “bugs” we will look at using other places, like Meeting Announcements Using for all (most) distribution To get on our mailing list register in DADDS.
2/22/2016NOAA GOES DCS5 DOMSAT Status Final Option of DOMSAT contract almost ending New Combined Contract expected award early summer 2012 funded by NOS, USGS, BLM, BR and USACE –MOU’s set up for BR, amended for BLM and USACE –USGS made “quid pro quo” arrangement with NOS –NOS funds directly tapped through procurement documents (means no MOU required) 2012 Funding Shortfall NOAA/NESDIS Contributed $20k+ for year If STIWG can not raise funds, next option year may not be exercised STIWG to take to parent committee
2/22/2016NOAA GOES DCS6 Operational Activities Major activities NSOF DADDS Power Distribution Units (PDU) Upgrade Completely Redundant Power throughout system Implementation of CS2 Transition Multiple Manufacturers Certified for CS2 All Channels set to “Long Interleaver Off” to recognize CS2 Do not use Long Interleaver Equipment Move at Wallops Tentatively Scheduled for July (?) Construction at Wallops for Extended Period DOMSAT Outages in April Problems with Equipment from SES World Skies First Time too brief for failover to NSOF 2 nd Time Failover to NSOF Failed SES World Skies Made Service Visits to Both Sites…repaired?