Construct #1: Ordering Systems Our brains order information mainly in two ways: Temporal-Sequentially OR Spatially
Temporal-Sequential Ordering “Temporal” means TIME first…….then….after….finally…. “ Sequential means” IN A SEQUENCE OR SERIES 1…..2…..3….4…..5….6….. So temporal-sequential ordering has to do with your ability to organize your world and the information your brain collects!
Temporal-Sequential Ordering You can remember directions or a series of steps. You can tell a story in the proper order of events. You understand and are aware of time, schedules, and how the calendar works. You can remember your locker combination and your phone number. If you’re strong in Temporal-Sequential Ordering:
Temporal-Sequential Ordering Have a hard time managing your time and getting assignments done by the deadline. Are regularly late for school and for appointments. Have a difficult time learning math facts. If your brain has a hard time with Temporal- Sequential Ordering, you’d have a hard time with all of these things! You’ll also:
What do I do? Ask your teacher to slow down when giving oral directions, or have him or her write them down for you. Write down directions using symbols or pictures to represent each step. Use assignment notebooks and calendars to help with scheduling your time. Things you can do to help yourself if your brain is weak in Temporal- Sequential Ordering:
What do I do? Use outlines, word webs, story maps, and other graphic organizers to help organize your thoughts. Plan out long-term projects using timelines. Use checklists! Estimate how long assignments will take. Then use a timer to see if you’re right! Remember steps using mnemonic techniques like songs, rhymes, raps, and acronyms.
Spatial Ordering “Spatial” means where things are in space. So Spatial Ordering has to do with your brain’s ability to remember objects, their size and shape, and how they are placed.
Spatial Ordering You are really good at drawing an object you see. You can read maps and use them to get you from one place to another You can look at and follow drawn instructions of how to put a model airplane together. You can remember how to spell words by looking at them. You have a well organized binder and like to keep it that way. If your brain is strong in Spatial Ordering:
Spatial Ordering You might also: Mix up letters in the alphabet like b and d. Have a hard time drawing shapes. Have difficulty judging how far to throw the ball to get it to your friend. If this is a weakness for your brain, you will have a hard time with these things.
What do I do? Ask your teacher for copies of notes instead of you taking notes from the board. Skip lines when writing. Take extra time to organize yourself and your binder, and to write down assignments. Find a friend who is very organized to help you organize yourself. When doing math, use graph paper to keep columns lined up. Only one digit per box! Things you can do to help yourself if your brain is weak in Spatial Ordering:
What do I do? Keep a letter chart nearby to help you write in print or cursive. Use an audio voice recorder to tape lectures instead of having to take notes. Get permission from your teacher first! On a full sheet of words or math problems, put a blank piece of paper over anything you don’t need to look at right then, so you can focus on one thing at a time. Set up an organized work area at home for you to do your homework. Make sure it is free of clutter or other distractions.