Put Animal Testing To An End! By Emily Doan
Planet Earth Home to the estimated two million creatures that we have discovered.
Where we come together to look after one another.
Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.
14 to 70 million animals are used for testing each year. 50% of animals used for cosmetic testing die within the first three weeks of the experiment. They undergo painful procedures and often times are provided no pain relief.
Which species are most commonly tested on? 6
There are several types of inhumane tests practiced on animals. Acute Toxicity Tests Used to determine short term effects of a chemical through force feeding, inhalation, or skin contact. Often causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, convulsions, seizures, etc., and eventually death. 7
The Lethal Dose 50% Test Most common type of acute toxicity test Force fed substance until half die Product is cleared when no more than half die Results not predictive of chemical effects in people 8
Mice & Rats ~ Communicate using high frequency sounds and become emotionally attached to each other. ~ Capable of feeling pain and suffering. ~ Not protected by law and therefore do not require pain relief during or after experiments. 9
Cats & Dogs ~ An estimated 22,000 cats are abused in labs per day. ~ Over 75,000 dogs, including many animal shelter canines, are abused in labs per day. ~ Dogs are favored in toxicology studies where poison is pumped into their bodies, slowly killing them. 10
Primates ~ Primates are known for their intelligence, sensitivity, and likeness to humans. ~ Over 124,000 primates are abused and killed during experiments per year. 11
What do you think about cosmetic animal testing? Please take a moment to watch the video below before answering. This video can be found at: 12
Is their pain really worth it? ~ You can help end animal testing for cosmetics. ~ Research products before you buy them and commit to buying approved products not tested on animals. ~Write to companies telling them you will not support them until they become cruelty free. ~ Educate others and spread awareness. 13
For more information on animal testing and to find out ways you can help please visit: