Data-driven Image Processing Fubo Han
Images in computer graphics IMAGE: the most engaging visual content in the internet. Image Superiority Effect: A picture’s worth a thousand words Images constituted 93% of the most engaging posts, compared with status updates, links, and even video.
Data-driven image processing Data-driven image processing in following aspects: How to collect image databases Large & well organized How to understand the content Automatically & efficiently How to use the data in variant application Strengthen old ones & create new ones
Image databases ImageNetImageNet in Stanford Vision Lab: 15 million images Tiny Images DatasetTiny Images Dataset NYU&MIT: 80 million images(Gist descriptors for each)
Scene understanding Depth TransferDepth Transfer: Depth Extraction from Video Using Non-parametric Sampling: Kevin Karsch TPAMI 2014 Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Label TransferNonparametric Scene Parsing via Label Transfer: Ce Liu TPAMI 2011
Data-driven application BiggerPictureBiggerPicture: Data-driven Image Extrapolation Using Graph Matching. Miao Wang SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 PatchNetPatchNet: A Patch-based Image Representation for Interactive Library-driven Image Editing. Shi-Min Hu SIGRAPH Asia 2013
Our work Overview of our algorithm
Our work Segmentation Graph matching segmentation matching
Conclusion Data-driven image editing becomes more powerful using content-oriented representations Combining with spatial relationships and local appearance provide an efficient way to encode the visual contents in an image library. Images not only have relationship by global similarity, but also have intrinsic inter-relationships between each visual element inside them. Organizing and utilizing images in this finer level can bring out larger potentials of the data-driven methods.
Thank you!
Data-driven application Sketch2PhotoSketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage. Tao Chen SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 ShadowDrawShadowDraw: Real-Time User Guidance for Freehand Drawing. Yong Jae Lee SIGGRAPH 2011