Virtual Reality for Large Audience Participation Abstract Introduction Design Requirements Abstract Introduction Design Requirements End-Product Description Technical Approach Testing Approach Budget & Personnel Effort End-Product Description Technical Approach Testing Approach Budget & Personnel Effort Iowa State University houses the United State’s largest virtual reality auditorium, seating more than 250 people. The system takes a computer generated world and projects that onto a 15 foot by 30 foot screen, allowing the audience to view the 3-dimensional image by wearing stereoscopic glasses. The goal of this project is to allow the entire audience to simultaneously interact with the virtual world. Every chair in the auditorium will be fitted with a personal interactive device. Then the data is collected, processed, and sent to the virtual reality application, all within a time- critical period. The project’s design includes the hardware for each seat, and the software to receive and process the data. General Background This project will allow the entire audience to interact simultaneously with the application Technical Problems Interactive device that is intuitive and easy to use Data management of a large set of inputs Operating Environment Intensive use and possible mistreatment VR Juggler compatible data processing software Intended Users and Uses Users: High school students and up Uses: Interactive and collaborative demonstrations Assumptions and Limitations Assumptions: Digital interactive device, intermediate data collecting hardware, VR Juggler compatible software Limitations: Time-critical communication, limited interactive capability, wiring and signal problems Design Objective Interactive Device: Intuitive and easily operated Wiring and Connectivity: Minimize wire length Intermediate Hardware: Collect each button press for the software Software: Reliable data communication with VR Juggler application Functional requirements Interactive Device: ability to use with one or two hands Interaction: simple interactions including multiple choice and basic movement Intermediate Hardware: Collect individual device data Developer’s Interface: Easy to implement, fully developed testing environment Design Constraints Limited budget, minimum communication delay, ability to monitor individual devices, handle mistreatment Measurable Milestones April – Device prototype and initial software package May – Wring scheme August – Intermediate hardware and installation of devices in to auditorium Each participant in the auditorium will have access to an interactive device and stereoscopic glasses, enabling each individual to interact and make decisions that directly influence the actions performed by the VR application on the viewing screen Mounting: Fixed on chair with retractable cable Controls: Digital buttons Data Collection: Data stream to the main computer Software: VR Juggler device driver and stand- alone testing suite Hardware: Simulate possible mistreatment and test intuitiveness of operation Software: Simulated input testing and continued revisions Collaboration: Single and multiple input device testing with VR demo Project: DEC01-10 Team Member: Faculty Advisor: Andrew Schwantes Carolina Cruz-Neira Chad Cromer Julie Dickerson David Snow Paul Jewell Yifei Wang ItemCost Testing equipment$18,00.00 Plastic enclosures$10, Push buttons$ Power indicating LED$50.00 Wire$ Computer and hardware$ Labor$ Materials and Supplies$ Total$42, PersonnelSemesterSummerTotal Chad Cromer Andrew Schwantes David Snow Yifei Wang Total