Upgrade week Apr10 AB CMS assembly & lab areas: future External constraints : entire 3000m 2 CMS area in ISR destined for rad material treatment entire 1500m 2 CMS area in 867 destined for machine ra material handling. Basic CMS philosophy (discussed with SC): For maintenance of equipment exposed to beam in UXC (including activated material) 1 Concentrate activity at LHC Point 5, Cessy. For maintenance of non-activated equipment NOT exposed to beam in UXC or elsewhere, ….and for upgrade. Concentrate activity in 186 (Meyrin) & 904 (Prevessin) Concentration ensures that CERN staff TSO and support technicians can be assigned to each of these sites. Key infrastructure will be included in CCC monitoring task. 1 Will still need access to common specialist ra electronic workshops which are planned for Meyrin. ( plus mechanical ra workshop if higher than class C needed)
Upgrade week Apr10 AB From Guy Duthion
Upgrade week Apr10 AB Temp & RH stability at the ISR: ideal for RPC From Stefano Colafranceschi Need to duplicate conditions in 904. Local environment enclosures feasible (eg around cosmic ray stand) but only as a refinement of generally stable conditions in the building. Request to CERN as host lab to consolidate Building 904 so that such conditions are Possible.
Upgrade week Apr10 AB CMS Gas Detector Labs Preparation of RE and CSC upgrade production sites CMS Gas Detector Labs Preparation of RE and CSC upgrade production sites Cooling: Total cooling power for the 904 estimated at 300kw kw to supply the racks kw for the remainder of 904 to include the HVAC, CSC and RPC production lines - Minimum cooling plant, 2 groups in parallel. - Preference 3 groups in parallel 2 operational + 1 spare for redundancy facilitating maintenance and guaranteed cooling supplies. - Incorporate supervision and control circuits. Recuperation from P5 being looked at From D.Hay, A.Gaddi C.Martel
Upgrade week Apr10 AB Budget estimates:building & lab infrastructure
Upgrade week Apr10 AB SX5: OSC intended layout ECAL/HCAL/CASTOR TOTEM 20 x 17m Class C ra Pixel & BCM(lower) Vis centre (upper) Workshop (incl users) HCAL (upper) Workshop (ra) Class C CSC/DT/RPC 3 areas 10 x 15m flexible Crane staging Green Barrack DAQ,TK & MU TOTEM Infra & Logistics 25m x 20m Ready-use tooling Gas E-mech w/s beampipe PM56 shaft Future Offices Access controlled area basic infrastructure, offices: CERN: 2000k (update for GS SX5/SHL project) common systems and facilities: M & O A: 1059k (endorsed by RRB-SG and RRB Apr 10) subdet specific: M & O B: 310k 4 phase planning, essential to complete phase 1 before the earliest plausible start-date for next long-shutdown Visitor centre upper floor 4 year project : 2.8 M CHF, spend profile concentrated in 2010,11 Lockers, washroom hand-foot monitors problem Prepared by CMS TC & EAM teams
Upgrade week Apr10 AB SX5 project Provisional acceptance of building permit: final decision in 3 months. SX5/SL53/SHL project is still targetted for completion end of “Walk-in” Visitor centre is a key feature Confident we can now go ahead and “empty” the Hall cataloguing near complete temporary storage at SX5 (“buche agricole” – permis?) long term storage SX5, 892 and 904 hangar Priority is the SHL 1’st floor – roof of the proposed pixel clean room GS ready to go ahead with this - seeking solution for cable gallery access Next priority is the access controlled zone and the initial rad workshop -first detailed estimate 159k …not far from 150k coarse guess.