Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 1 Measuring parity, equality, equity The work ahead
Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 2 Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality The Dakar Goal 5
Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 3 There must be a clear commitment to ensure gender equity in education at all levels. Specific action plans with time bound targets including those based on affirmative action should be in place to eliminate all forms of discrimination of girls and women International Consultation of NGOs, Dakar, Senegal, April 2000 NGO Declaration on EFA
Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 4 Gender Parity has a numerical aspect, therefore easier to measure, at least theoretically. Gender Equality includes qualitative and other heterogeneous aspects - policy measures, curriculum and textbooks contents, attitudes, perceptions, cultural values - therefore more difficult to measure. Gender Equity is mainly used in the context of policy interventions aiming at ensuring equality or at correcting the effects of certain inequalities.
Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 5 Good indicators should be: Policy relevant z providing clear and unambiguous responses to key policy issues User friendly z comprehensible, timely and few in number Derived from a framework z allowing the interpretation of one figure in the context of other basic variables Technically sound z valid, reliable, comparable Feasible to measure at reasonable cost z statistics required for deriving them, either readily available or easy to collect within a well defined time frame and cost
Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 6 “… We affirm that no countries seriously committed to education for all will be thwarted in their achievement of this goal by a lack of resources.” Source: Dakar Framework for Action. EFA: Meeting our Collective Commitments
Feb 2003 UNESCO/Focal points /VC 7 Measuring parity, equality, equity The work ahead