Your CV - your marketing tool Your CV must convince an employer that: You have the skills and experience they are looking for You have held responsibility in the past Your work history is marked by achievements You have progressed throughout your career
CV Structure and Presentation Clearly laid out - keep the format/ style consistent select a suitable front size Informative and concise pages Ensure there is enough white spacing Accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation Bullet points rather then paragraphs Each section is clearly headed
Content of CV Personal Details Profile Work Experience Achievements Education & Qualifications Interests References
Check list Ensure to include contact details -phone, address, Choose a sensible address! Ensure the most important information is on the first page The ‘sweet spot’ of a CV -upper middle section of the first page Start with your current/ most recent employment and work backwards
Before the Interview Know your CV Research the Organisation Research the Job Do a Mock Interview Make a List of questions Anticipate questions Prepare a question to ask
On the Day Consider Your Appearance Getting to the Interview When You Arrive The Interview Whatever anyone says, go into every interview prepared for a rigorous questioning session
During the Interview – non verbal Firm hand shake Sit only when invited to Keep good posture Take deep breaths, relax, act naturally Maintain good eye contact Don’t overuse hand gestures Smile
During the interview - verbal Be friendly, maintain a positive, business like attitude Show how well informed you are about the company Sell yourself – outline what you can do for company Recount things in an interesting and positive way
Handling Interview Questions Think before you talk Have 5 reasons why you are the right person for the job Tailor your answer to show how you can be of value Don’t understand? – Ask for clarification Say “I” a lot, not “the team” Leave space for the interviewer to speak If you can’t answer say so – don’t lie/waffle
Competency Interviews Structured style, targeted questions - that ask you to describe a specific task or situation Identify key requirements for the job - Create stories around times you have displayed these skills Use the STAR technique to structure your answer – Situation, Task, Action, Result
The STAR technique Situation - Introduction, describe the situation you were in Task - Describe the task that needed completion, i.e. set the scene Action - Describe the actions you took and how you behaved during the situation Result - Outline the results or outcomes of the situation
The Salary Question Avoid discussing salary The longer it takes for that discussion to happen – the more committed the employer becomes & the more flexible they are regarding pay and benefits Don’t lie
Post Interview After the interview assess what can be learned Always ask for feedback Giving your feedback could make the difference!