Powers of Ten Presentation--Plants Powerpoint Presentation to accompany Carbon Teaching Experiment Written by: Jonathon SchrammA, Eric KeelingB, Dijanna FigueroaC, Lindsay MohanA, Michele JohnsonC, and Charles W. AndersonA Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy Long Term Ecological Research Math Science Partnership 2012 Disclaimer: This research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation: Targeted Partnership: Culturally relevant ecology, learning progressions and environmental literacy (NSF-0832173). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Powers of Ten ----Plants
Earth Scale: 108 meters = 100 Mm = 100 megameters MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
The western Hemisphere of the Earth Scale: 107 meters = 10 Mm = 10 megameters MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Southeastern United States Scale: 106 meters = 1 Mm = 1 megameter MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Franklin countries in Florida Scale: 105 meters = 100 km = 100 kilometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Southwest Tallahassee, Florida Scale: 104 meters = 10 km = 10 kilometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Scale: 103 meters = 1 km = 1 kilometer MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Nearby trees, the lake and laboratory roof Scale: 102 meters = 100 meters MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Top of large tree Scale: 101 meter = 10 meters MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
tree branch with leaves Scale: 100 meters = 1 meter: Light takes about 3 nanoseconds to cross this picture MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
tree leaves at actual size Scale: 10-1 meters = 0.1 meter = 10 centimeters MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Cells on leaf surface vertical view cutaway view Scale: 10-3 meters = 1 mm = 1 millimeter MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Individual leaf cells Scale: 10-5 meters = 10 µm = 10 micrometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Mesophyll Cells Scale: 10-4 meters = 100 µm = 100 micrometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Cell wall Scale: 10-5 meters = 10 µm = 10 micrometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
microfibril Scale: 10-6 meters = 1µm = 1micrometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Cellulose Scale: 10-8 meters = 10nm = 10narometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment
Glucose C6H12O6 Scale: 10-9 meters = 1nm = 1nanometers MSP Carbon Teaching Experiment