The Terrestrial Planets
Exploration of Mercury
Mercury Half-Mapped
Mercury’s Orbit Fairly eccentric with e=0.21 –Perihelion distance = 0.31 AU –Aphelion distance = 0.47 AU Resonance –So Mercury rotates 3 times for every 2 orbits around the Sun –This is a tidal effect from the Sun
The Mercurian Day
Advance of Mercury’s Orbit
General Properties of Mercury Temperature –100 K at night to 700 K by day Magnetic Field –Surprisingly strong at ~0.5% of Earth’s –Magnetic field and high average density suggest a large iron core Atmosphere –None Interior –Large iron core - 1/3 by volume, extending to about 70% of radius
Degas Impact crater about 45 km wide Imaged by the Mariner 10 flybys
Surface Effects Scarps are seen on Mercury. Useful for relative dating and history of the surface.
Caloris Basin
Interior of Mercury
Origin Model for Mercury