D Flip Flop
Also called: Delay FF Data FF D-type Latches ‘Delayed 1 Clock Pulse’
D Flip Flop (Specification) A signal input and a clock signal is used AMI-0.6micron process is used Wp=7.5 u, Wn= 3.0 u, Ln=Lp=0.6u Pre and Post-layout simulations using spectra Rise time, Fall time and propagation delay increase for the loading effects.
Why DFF Preferred type for integrated circuit applications (DFF) S-R flip flop has indeterminate state when both inputs are high The JKFF simplifies the RSFF truth table but keeps two inputs.
Truth Table Similar Wiring
Wiring Diagram
7474 D Flip Flop Logic Symbol Note: The asynchronous inputs (PS & CLR) Override the synchronous inputs (D & CLK).
Truth Table
D (Delay) Flip Flop Uses Sequential logic devices used in temporary memory devices. Wired together to form shift registers and storage registers. Delays data from reaching output Q one clock pulse. CMOS examples: 74HC74, 74FCT374, Over 50 different ICs in FACT CMOS family.
D Clocked Latch It similar to a D flip flop but it reacts to the clock differently
Comparing Flip Flop and Latch
D Flip Flop vs. D Clocked Latch D flip flop – Triggered on positive edge of clock – Output Q (and state) changes only at a time instant D clocked latch – Output Q changes (with D) while clock is H – Output Q changes during a window of time – Trickier to use since lots of changes can happen during a time duration Flip flops are preferred to latches in designing circuits Latches are used in memory circuits, e.g., RAM
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