Gar Holohan Executive Chairman Holohan Leisure Group
Special Olympics World Summer Games Largest sporting event in the world in 2003 in the world in countries 10,000 athletes & coaches 50 venues 1,500 media 8,500 family visitors 32,003 volunteers
Opening Ceremony
Irish Celebrities
International Celebrities
32,003 Volunteers
“Never volunteer in the army”
Volunteer Mobilisation: Some Considerations RecruitmentTraining Health & Safety Ethics Police Background checks Education in dealing with people with Special Needs Capability, Responsibility and Reliability? Communication
Colour Coding: maps, signage, etc
Table Tennis Venue
Core message “it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks”! Different systems and procedures lead to confusion and errors. Standardised systems and procedures for all levels of events will reduce risks, shorten learning curves, and ultimately contribute to a more successful event
Gar Holohan Executive Chairman Holohan Leisure Group