Historical Time Period By: Samuel Adetunji Historical Fiction Book The Rifle by: Gary Paulsen
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #1 (Page 3 Paragraph 1) “In 1768, West of Philadelphia, a man named Cornish McManus established a new gunsmithing business.” My Thoughts I think this describes the time period that the book is set in because the author clearly states that the date is sometime within 1768.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #2 (Page 4 Paragraph 2) “Because rifling of a was, historically speaking, a relatively new concept – less than a century old- most rifles were not as accurate as they could be.” My Thoughts This shows the time period because rifling is obviously over 2 centuries old, that 200 years.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #3 (Page 10 Paragraph 2) “Fall came and he should have should have gone hunting to stock up on venison for the winter, but work owned him now and each day he awakened thinking not of what he would do in the but later, in the yellow light from the tallow candles.” My Thoughts I thought that this piece of evidence show the time period because people don’t have to hunt to have food over the winter. We could just by in from a store.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #4 (Page 33 Paragraph 2) “The Americans called it a war of independence a Revolutionary War, but to England it was simply a revolt. My Thoughts This shows the time because the Revolutionary War took place over two centuries ago.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #5 (Page 34 Paragraph 3) “His wife was standing to the side, her hands clasped in front of her mouth in a double fist, two soldiers in red coats holding her.” My Thoughts This shows the time period because the nickname “Red Coats” was used to describe British soldiers.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #6 (Page 43 Paragraph 6) “But it rained and the roads were little more than mud trails and they constantly ran into British patrols.” My Thoughts I think this shows the time period because rain can’t reduce concrete roads to muddy trails.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #7 (Page 39 Paragraph[4-6]) “I am John,” the man said and Byam grinned. “I am as well.” “Are you a loyalist?” My Thoughts This shows the time period because, like red coats, the word loyalist was also a word to describe those who supported England.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #8 (Page 45 Paragraph 1) “The officers seemed to be particularly arrogant and would sit their horses well above the trenches, seemingly believing that they were bulletproof, and Byam, as one of the Colonial militiamen put it, “mowed them down like summer grass before the scythe.” My Thoughts (Believe it or not this is probably one of the longest run-on sentences in a book that I have ever seen.) I thought this shown the time period because people don’t use scythes to cut grass these days.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece # 9 (Page 48 Paragraph 3) “Balls come as thick as bees.” My Thoughts This shows the time period because guns these days use bullets, not lead balls.
Historical Time Period Evidence Piece #10 (Page 27 Paragraph 2) “he did not speak much, wore buckskins that smelled like wood smoke and deer blood, and walked in moccasins so worn his feet could nearly be seen through them.” My Thoughts I think this shows the time period because most people don’t go around wearing moccasins these days, it might seem unnatural.