Clear Falls High School Course Selection Tuesday, February 9 through Social Studies Classes Each student should receive one copy of: Student’s CFHS Transcript CCISD’s Educational Planning Guide CFHS’ Course Selection Worksheet CFHS’ Course Selection Card
Transcript: Academic Achievement Record A transcript is the cumulative academic record of all courses you have attempted for high school credit including courses in intermediate school, summer school, night school, virtual school and by correspondence. Transcripts are updated at the end of each semester. You should also use your transcript to help determine your next course in sequence & help you select your course options for next school year.
All students who were enrolled with us on 12/18/15 will receive a copy of their transcript. If you are newly enrolled to us since January, you may see the Registrar during your lunch or after school to request a copy of your academic records from your previous school. Please check to ensure that you have received the correct transcript. You are strongly encouraged to review your transcript thoroughly to ensure your personal data, courses, grades, & total credits are correct. If corrections are needed, please see your academic counselor. A – EMrs. Reyes, House 1 F – K Mrs. Keyes, House 2 L – ReMrs. Bentley, House 3 Rf – ZMs. Fawcett, House 3 Special Services Mrs. Hairgrove & 504 House 1 Transcript Review Student Data Address EOC Results Course Data Credit Counts GPA & Rank Info
The EPG provides course descriptions for all courses available in CCISD; not all courses listed will be offered at CFHS Students should pay close attention to the course number, title, credit value, and GPA level. Grade level, prerequisite(s), and pertinent notes are provided for each course. CCISD’s Educational Planning Guide Mrs. Keyes - Counselor students last names F – K House 2 (upstairs)
The Course List Worksheet lists classes available for choice at CFHS for the school year. Students should pay close attention to courses prerequisites - many classes require an application or an audition! Choose courses carefully! After May 6, schedule changes are for data mistakes or course errors only. CFHS’ Course List Worksheet Ms. Fawcett - Counselor students last names Rf – Z House 3 (upstairs)
Your Course Selection Card is specific to your next year’s grade level. Each grade level is a different color. Students should pay close attention to courses prerequisites; many classes require an application! Choose courses carefully! Schedule changes at the high school are for data mistakes or course errors only. Course Selection Cards Mrs. Bentley - Counselor students last names L - Re House 3 (upstairs)
Use the Course List Worksheet in combination with the EPG to determine your course requests for the school year. First choice courses: Select a total of 7.0 credits, including the core curriculum. Alternate courses: VERY IMPORTANT! Select at least 4.0 credits worth of alternates, if not more. ~ Select level of coursework carefully. ~ List elective courses in order of preference with first course being your first choice. ~ List alternate courses in order of preference. Selecting Your Courses
Course Selection Card ~ fill out completely ~ Name Label Endorsement Label 10 th & 11 th Grade Only First Choice Courses Alternate Choice Courses Don’t Forget!!
* * NEW THIS YEAR * * Students will enter their course selections from home through Skyward Online Student Course Requests!! Online registration will be available from February 9 – 22. Links & directions have been provided through the weekly Knight News , College Center , & posted on student‘s Naviance Family Connection homepage and CFHS Counselor’s webpage. Mrs. Reyes – Counselor students last names A – E House 1 (downstairs)
Important to Remember … Students must enter their course selection choices online no later than Monday, February 22, Course Selection Cards must be completed & returned to your Social Studies Teacher Monday, February 22, May 6 th is the last day students can make changes to their course requests. Once the May 6 th deadline has passed, changes will no longer be allowed. Schedules will be created to match requests as much as possible.
Special Programs – Application Required
Program Campus CFHS Teacher Audio/Video Production CLEAR FALLS Holk Automotive Clear Springs BiotechnologyCLEAR FALLS Say Broadband Clear Brook Career PreparationALL Anderson Certified Nursing Clear View Child GuidanceCLEAR FALLS Bacon Computer Maintenance/TechnicianCLEAR FALLS Starr Clear View Culinary Clear Springs Health Science II Clinical RotationCLEAR FALLS Mueller Hospitality Off Campus Independent Study & MentorshipCLEAR FALLS Holk Marketing DynamicsCLEAR FALLS Jeffcoat Metal Clear Creek Pharmacy Technician CLEAR FALLS Burris Practicum in Agriculture/VET MED CLEAR FALLS Dickson Clear Brook Teacher Education TrainingCLEAR FALLS Smith *These 2 or 3 credit classes are available to CFHS students as off-campus programs and may require an additional travel period. Career & Technical Education Mrs. Bevel – College & Career Specialist College Center To be considered for these courses, you MUST submit the CTE online application – link located on your Naviance homepage. **PRIORITY DEADLINE – TUES, FEB. 23
Don’t forget, these CFHS programs require an application too! CFHS ProgramTeacher Dual Credit Counselor Release Time (SRs) Counselor School Service (SRs) Counselor PALs Ward Stud Govt & Leadership Guzman Newspaper Cosenza Yearbook Graves CFHS Programs Mrs. Hairgrove – Counselor Special Education & 504 House 1 (downstairs)
Have Questions? Need Help? Students are welcome to visit their Academic Counselor before or after school during lunches Fill out a request to see your counselor & she’ll call you down when convenient!