GREAT TRIALS PERIOD #2 SECTION #2 GREAT TRIALS SWAT: After having completed a graphic organizer in which students describe the causes of the Boston Massacre, the students will be able to explain the events leading up to this event by reading “The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account” by writing about at least three causes with ninety percent accuracy. NJCCCS: C.2.a: Analyze the problems of financing the American Revolutionary War and dealing with wartime inflation and profiteering. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH
GREAT TRIALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What role did Massachusetts and the various leaders from Massachusetts play during the American Revolutionary War?
GREAT TRIALS APPLICATION: Have students read “The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account” from the Smart Board as a class wide activity. This account can be found at: ml HOMEWORK: No assigned homework.
GREAT TRIALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Did the Amistad incident put slavery on trial? How did the Amistad trial foreshadow the future conflicts over slavery? Is the trial process a fair one that protects the defendant and the people? What if any modifications should be made in the trial process to make it fairer or more equitable?
GREAT TRIALS SECTION #2 SWAT: After having viewed an instructional power point on the Boston Massacre, the students will be able to explain the events leading up to this event by beginning to create a newspaper indicative of the period writing and analyzing at least three causes in the form of news stories with ninety percent accuracy.
THE GREAT TRIALS HOMEWORK: Continue Newspaper Assignment.
GREAT TRIALS REVIEW/LESSON CONNECTIONS: Teacher will remind students of the major points to consider when taking a quarterly assessment.
THE GREAT TRIALS APPLICATION: Have students read “The Boston Massacre Trials: An Account” from the Smart Board as a class wide activity. This account can be found at: tml
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS PERIOD #1, Section #1 Given primary readings and an instructional power point presentation on the atomic bomb, students will evaluate the decision made by then President Harry S. Truman in favor of dropping the atomic bomb in an effort to end World War II by describing Henry L. Stimson’s reaction to the dropping of the atomic bomb by analyzing at least three reasons for Henry Stimson’s rationale at 90% proficiency level.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS NJCCCS: NJCCCS: A.11.d : Analyze the decision to use the atomic bomb and the consequences of doing so.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS Common Core: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS DO-NOW: What is America’s place in the world? What should America’s place be? A student facilitator will lead a brief discussion.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS Homework: Students will continue reading Henry L. Stimson’s article: “The Decision to Drop the US Bomb.”
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS REVIEW OF PREVIOUSLY LEARNED MATERIAL/LESSON CONNECTIONS: Review the kinds of tactics which had been used by countries to win a war up to the point of The teacher will ask students to write about at least three tactics/strategies used by countries to win a war up to the point of A (Quick Write) formative assessment will be utilized for this purpose. While students are completed task, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus an (Observation) formative assessment will also be utilized. Upon completion, the teacher will select a few students to share their (quick write) with the class.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS EXPLANATION: Teacher will review the project grading rubric and expectations which was developed collaboratively with the students.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS GUIDED PRACTICE: Students will get into their groups to make final preparations for the debate on the decision to drop the atomic bomb. The teacher will be sure the students understand the task before them. The teacher will have the students signal with a thumbs-up; thumbs-down. Thus a (Thumbs-up; thumbs-down) formative assessment will be utilized. The teacher will walk around the classroom as the students are completing their finishing touches on the debate. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS APPLICATION: The teacher will instruct the students to continue reading Stimson’s article: “The Decision to Drop the US Bomb.” Website link: After reading silently and taking notes, students will turn to their partner and summarize what they have read. Thus a (Turn-to-your-partner) formative assessment will be utilized. Then a student facilitator will lead a brief discussion class wide in which the facilitator challenges students to ask questions and derive answers based upon what Henry L. Stimson is saying and what his position is relative to the dropping of the atomic bomb. As students are working individually, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus, an (observation) formative assessment will be utilized.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS APPLICATION: Resolution Statement: Resolved: The decision to drop the atomic bomb was justifiable on the part of the United States government in order to bring an end to World War II. Students will be allowed one index card with notes on it and a blank sheet of paper so that they can take notes based on what is said by other members of the class relative to the debate. In addition, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the students at work. Thus an (Observation) formative assessment will also be utilized. Utilizing an (exit card) formative assessment, the students will write and describe at least three reasons either in favor or against the dropping of the atomic bomb in preparation for writing an essay response on this topic
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS SYNTHESIS: The teacher will assist students in identifying and describing the major arguments for both dropping the atomic bomb and for not dropping the atomic bomb. The teacher will assist students in describing the various issues which Truman faced when Japan initially refused to surrender in August of 1945.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS PERIOD #1, Section #1&2 SWAT: Given a quarterly assessment, the students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of events occurring from the early twentieth century starting with the rise in totalitarianism in Europe after World War I to the beginning of the Cold War era by scoring at least an 80% on the formative assessment.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS NJCCCS: A.11.d : Analyze the decision to use the atomic bomb and the consequences of doing so D.11.a.:Analyze the roles of various alliances among nations and their leaders in the conduct and outcomes of the World War II A.11.b : Compare and contrast different perspectives about how the United States should respond to aggressive policies and actions taken by other nations at this time.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS Common Core: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is America’s place in the world? How might World War II have changed life from 1940 to 1945? Is American foreign policy motivated more by ideals or self-interest? How does involvement in the world shape American society at home? What is the proper relationship between the people and the government? What does it mean to be American? Is there a higher standard than the law of nations? How did the Cold War change American society?
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS DO-NOW: Students will quickly look over their notes prior to completing the quarterly assessment.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS Homework: Students will continue reading Henry L. Stimson’s article: “The Decision to Drop the US Bomb.”
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS EXPLANATION: Teacher will explain the directions for the quarterly assessment.
AMERICAN HISTORY II HONORS APPLICATION: The teacher will instruct the students to continue reading Stimson’s article: “The Decision to Drop the US Bomb.” Website link: After reading silently and taking notes, students will turn to their partner and summarize what they have read. Thus a (Turn-to-your-partner) formative assessment will be utilized. Then a student facilitator will lead a brief discussion class wide in which the facilitator challenges students to ask questions and derive answers based upon what Henry L. Stimson is saying and what his position is relative to the dropping of the atomic bomb. As students are working individually, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus, an (observation) formative assessment will be utilized.
AP US HISTORY Given the primary source, “The Articles of Confederation” and from viewing an excerpt from the PBS Series: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation,” the students will be able to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles by highlighting the issue of the articles effectiveness writing and analyzing at least two major strengths and two major weaknesses of this form of government on the new nation with ninety percent accuracy.
AP US HISTORY NJCCCS: A.2.b.: Evaluate the importance of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to the spread of democracy around the world. RH Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text. RH ; Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
AP US HISTORY ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How did democratic and republican values and competing conceptions of national identity affect the development and success of the Articles of Confederation?
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Have students view: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation” Link: While viewing the video students should take notes and begin to answer the following questions: What factors were important to the new nation? What issues did the new nation confront? How did the Articles of Confederation deal with these issues? What problems did the new nation face?
AP US HISTORY If time remains, choose a student to lead a brief discussion in which the students answer each of the four questions asked above. In second half of class (after lunch) Students should view Chapter #6 Flipped Lesson on either the entire chapter taking notes in class or on the Articles of Confederation explained.
AP US HISTORY HOMEWORK: The students will prepare for a quiz which will be based on the primary reading from the Articles of Confederation and from having watched the flipped classroom lecture on Chapter 6 and from having viewed the PBS Series: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation.”
AP US HISTORY DO-NOW : Quarterly assessments returned to students.
AP US HISTORY REVIEW OF PREVIOUS LEARNED MATERIAL/LESSON CONNECTIONS: Teacher will remind students of the major points to consider when taking a quarterly assessment.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION; Students will work on correcting their quarterly assessment and refining their DBQ responses as well as their essay responses. As students are working individually, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus, an (observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will check in with students to ensure their understanding. Thus a (Student conference) formative assessment will also be utilized.
AP US HISTORY SYNTHESIS: The muddiest close will be utilized. The teacher will ask the students if there are any points which remain unclear to them.
AP US HISTORY SWAT: Given a document prompt from Paine’s work, The American Crisis, the students will be able to analyze why the patriots won the Revolution by working in groups reading and writing a summary describing at least three reasons for the patriot victory examining the environmental, military, political, diplomatic and ideological reasons for the patriot victory with 80% accuracy.
AP US HISTORY NJCCCS: A.2.b.: Evaluate the importance of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to the spread of democracy around the world. RH Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text. RH ; Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.
AP US HISTORY ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How did democratic and republican ideals and emerging conceptions of American identity lead to the Declaration of Independence and the development of American institutions? What was the immediate and long-term significance of the Declaration of Independence? How did the Declaration of Independence shape belief systems and independence movements? Why did the rebels win the war for independence?
AP US HISTORY HOMEWORK: The students will listen to a flipped classroom lecture on Chapter #6: Making war and Republican Governments.” While reading as well as listening to the flipped classroom lecture, students should take notes.
AP US HISTORY DO-NOW: Under what conditions are revolutions staged and what factors determine the outcome of revolutions? Student Led.
AP US HISTORY REVIEW OF PREVIOUS LEARNED MATERIAL/LESSON CONNECTIONS The teacher will review information previously acquired on the factors which contributed to the Declaration of Independence and the causes which led the colonists to rebel. The teacher will have the students complete a quick write in which students write about at least three of causes which led the colonists to rebel. A (Quick Write) formative assessment will be utilized for this purpose.
AP US HISTORY EXPLANATION: Teacher will review the flipped classroom lecture on Chapter #6: Making War and Republican Governments.
AP US HISTORY GUIDED PRACTICE: Working collaboratively, the teacher will guide the students in creating a graphic organizer in which the students describe the political, social and economic changes the American Revolution produced and what stayed the same. Two students will be appointed to lead this section of the class. One student will lead a class wide discussion asking questions of the students and encouraging their peers to ask questions and posit answers. A second student will write down the responses on a suitable Smart Board graphic organizer.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION; Have students view: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation” Link: While viewing the video students should take notes and begin to answer the following questions: What factors were important to the new nation? What issues did the new nation confront? How did the Articles of Confederation deal with these issues? What problems did the new nation face? If time remains, choose a student to lead a brief discussion in which the students answer each of the four questions asked above. In second half of class (after lunch) Students should view Chapter #6 Flipped Lesson on either the entire chapter taking notes in class or on the Articles of Confederation explained.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Have students view: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation” Link: While viewing the video students should take notes and begin to answer the following questions: What factors were important to the new nation? What issues did the new nation confront? How did the Articles of Confederation deal with these issues? What problems did the new nation face? If time remains, choose a student to lead a brief discussion in which the students answer each of the four questions asked above. In second half of class (after lunch) Students should view Chapter #6 Flipped Lesson on either the entire chapter taking notes in class or on the Articles of Confederation explained.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Again, while the students are working, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe. Thus an (Observation) formative assessment will be utilized. Utilizing an (Exit card) formative assessment, the students will be able to describe at least three reasons for the patriot victory examining the environmental, military, political, diplomatic and ideological reasons for the patriot victory.
AP US HISTORY SYNTHESIS: The teacher will assist the students in analyzing why the patriots won the Revolution.
AP US HISTORY SECOND SWAT: Given the primary source, “The Articles of Confederation” and from viewing an excerpt from the PBS Series: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation,” the students will be able to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles by highlighting the issue of the articles effectiveness writing and analyzing at least two major strengths and two major weaknesses of this form of government on the new nation with ninety percent accuracy. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What was the immediate and long term significance of the Declaration of Independence? How did republican and democratic ideals and emerging conceptions of American identity lead to the Declaration of Independence and the development of American political institutions?
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Working individually, and then in small groups, the students will be able to analyze one of the various declaration of independence produced by U.S. states (eg: Texas and South Carolina) or other countries (e.g.: Venezuela, Vietnam, Czechoslovakia, and Liberia) by comparing the United States Declaration of Independence While the students are working, the teacher will circulate the classroom. Thus a (Classroom Observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will engage in a one on one discussion to be sure that students understand what they are to do. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will also be utilized. Utilizing a (One paragraph) formative assessment, students will write and explain at least three major similarities or differences between the document selected and the Declaration of Independence.
AP US HISTORY SYNTHESIS: The teacher will reinforce the lesson and its objectives reminding students of the importance and rationale for writing the Declaration of Independence.
AP US HISTORY SWAT: Given the primary source, “The Articles of Confederation” and from viewing an excerpt from the PBS Series: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation,” the students will be able to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles by highlighting the issue of the articles effectiveness writing and analyzing at least two major strengths and two major weaknesses of this form of government on the new nation with ninety percent accuracy. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W
AP US HISTORY ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: In what way is it important for an introductory paragraph to be in alignment with the thesis statement? How is the introductory paragraph an integral part of the essay?
AP US HISTORY HOMEWORK: Students will begin to study for their test on Chapters 4 and 5.
AP US HISTORY DO-NOW: Working in small groups, students will list the factors which need to be taken into account when developing an introductory paragraph. Student led.
AP US HISTORY REVIEW OF PREVIOUS LEARNED MATERIAL/LESSON CONNECTIONS Review the writing of the thesis statement. Review the You Tube video clip on writing of a thesis statement
AP US HISTORY EXPLANATION: Teacher will present a You Tube video clip on how to develop an introductory paragraph. Teacher will present a second You Tube video clip on how to develop an introductory paragraph.
AP US HISTORY GUIDED PRACTICE: Using a graphic organizer, teacher will assist students in listing the major points which need to be considered when developing an introductory paragraph. Smart Board technology will be utilized for this purpose. Two students will be appointed to lead this part of the lesson. One student will facilitate a class wide discussion in which students share out their ideas listing the major points which need to be considered when developing an introductory paragraph. A second student will write down the notes and ideas generated by students on a suitable Smart Board graphic organizer. While the two students are facilitated class, the remaining students will set up a similar graphic organizer in their notebook. The teacher will walk around the classroom as the students are taking notes. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION; Working individually, students will be given a topic. Next, students will practice writing introductory paragraphs starting with the hook or topic sentence and funneling out to the thesis statement. Anchor chart to be created. While the students are practicing writing their introductory paragraphs, the teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the students. Thus a (Classroom observation) formative assessment will be utilized. In addition, the teacher will engage students in a one on one conversation to ensure their understanding of the lesson. Thus a (Student Conference) formative assessment will also be utilized.
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Utilizing an (exit card) formative assessment, the students will analyze the three major parts to the Introductory paragraph Grab Reader’s attention Narrow reader’s focus Thesis statement Students will describe how the “funnel” approach enables the writer to address each of the three major parts of the Introductory paragraph.
AP US HISTORY SYNTHESIS: The teacher will assist students in a further understanding of the important role an introductory paragraph plays to the overall development of an essay.
AP US HISTORY SECOND SWAT: Given the primary source, “The Articles of Confederation” and from viewing an excerpt from the PBS Series: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation,” the students will be able to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles by highlighting the issue of the articles effectiveness writing and analyzing at least two major strengths and two major weaknesses of this form of government on the new nation with ninety percent accuracy. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What was the immediate and long term significance of the Declaration of Independence? How did republican and democratic ideals and emerging conceptions of American identity lead to the Declaration of Independence and the development of American political institutions?
AP US HISTORY APPLICATION: Have students view: “Liberty: Are we to be a Nation” Link: While viewing the video students should take notes and begin to answer the following questions: What factors were important to the new nation? What issues did the new nation confront? How did the Articles of Confederation deal with these issues? What problems did the new nation face? If time remains, choose a student to lead a brief discussion in which the students answer each of the four questions asked above. In second half of class (after lunch) Students should view Chapter #6 Flipped Lesson on either the entire chapter taking notes in class or on the Articles of Confederation explained.
AP US HISTORY SYNTHESIS: The teacher will reinforce the lesson and its objectives reminding students of the importance and rationale for writing the Declaration of Independence.