Axxom case study - questions Angelika Mader University of Twente
Question 1: TIMING lacquer production follows 3 different recipes. timing behaviour is specified for each recipe. timing dependencies with minimal and maximal offset times end-start start-start end-end production times for processes maximal break times
Question 1: TIMING recent information: maximal offset times need not to be taken into account consequence: problem is much more a job shop scheduling problem than specified what is the right timing behaviour?
No question (for Kim) For the UPPAAL model with arbitrary delay and a few easy heuristics and random depth first search we get schedules in no time
Question 2: COSTS costs as penalty for delay challenge: minimize delay costs there are feasible schedules possible => no delay, no cost-optimisation problem delay costs are so high that they seem much more to be a value tuning an optimizer => what do delay costs mean to us?
Question 3: AVAILABILITY problem: machines break down for a certain amount of time (say 50%) solution: extend the production time of a product requiring this machine (say factor 2) question: is this the right way to deal with this kind of probabilities?