Kent Saathoff TAC Meeting February 5, 2009 NERC Representation
2 February 5, 2009 NERC created in 1968 –Board and committees initially limited to representation from each of the 9-10 Reliability Regions –Modified over the years to include provisions for minimum Canadian representation and governmental representatives –Added Non-utility industry stakeholder representation In 2001: –NERC governance changed to an independent Board with a Stakeholders (now Member Representatives) Committee –MRC representation is by industry sector –Most other NERC Committees generally follow the MRC in their membership structure –CIPC is an exception that still has representation by Region Evolution of Membership on NERC Committees
3 NERC MRC Sector Representation 1.Investor Owned Utility – 2 2.State/Municipal Utility – 2 3.Cooperative Utility – 2 4.Federal or Provincial Utility/Federal Power Marketing Admin. – 2 5.Transmission Dependent Utility – 2 6.Merchant Electricity Generator – 2 7.Electricity Marketer – 2 8.Large End-use Electricity Customer – 2 9.Small End-use Electricity Customer – 2 10.ISO/RTO – 2 11.Regional Reliability Organization State Government – 2 13.US/Canadian Federal, Provincial Government – 4 non-voting 14.Remaining 6 Regional Reliability Organizations – non-voting February 5, 2009
4 Method of Member Selection Nominated or selected by their sector Method of approval of sector nominees varies by committee –Automatically accepted –Approved by NERC registered ballot body of that sector –Approved by the Committee –Approved by NERC Board Selection of sector nominees also varies –ISO/RTO – There is an ISO/RTO Council that selects –RRO – Most Regional Entities are considered the RROs for their Regions. The Regional Entity Managers select –Other Sectors – I don’t know February 5, 2009
5 Current ERCOT Staff NERC Committee Representation Region –Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee – Jim Brenton RRO Sector –Operating Committee – Kent Saathoff –Planning Committee – Dan Woodfin –Compliance and Certification Committee – Kent Saathoff –PC Reliability Assessment Subcommittee - Dan Woodfin –Resource Issues Subcommittee – Warren Lasher ISO/RTO Sector –Personnel Subcommittee – Jim Bowles –Personnel Certification Governance Committee – Kelly Blackmer Membership on 27 other subcommittees, task forces and drafting teams where representation is less formal and structured and generally based on NERC general solicitation for individual volunteers February 5, 2009