Welcome to Intermediate I Professor Jaclyn Strauss Unit 1 Seminar
Text Title: Intermediate Accounting, 11 th edition –Please note we are using an eBook for this course (more on this in just a bit! ) Tech Problems – My contact info: – –AIM: JaclynStrauss (you can get access to AIM at if needed) –Office Hours: See syllabus. When ing, make sure to include course name and section. This helps me keep up with all of you! Thanks!
We are a team!! I believe we are a team in OUR course. Your success is my top priority. Ask questions: You can me or post to the virtual office. I will respond within 24 hours during the week and 48 hours on the weekends. Scouts honor! Let’s have fun!
Check out your Syllabus! It is your greatest tool for the class! I ed you a copy! Check it out! Print it out for the duration of the course. –Discussion Board Requirements –Grade Point Distribution –Late Policy –Extenuating Circumstances –Netiquette –RUBRICS….study them to see how I am grading!! –Grading Scale –….and much more!!
Discussion Board Grading: Check out the checklist tool!!! Quality (40%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: All assigned discussion questions were answered completely Posts were on topic and unique in content All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic Participation Guidelines (30%) will be measured on the following criteria: Initial post no later than Saturday, midnight EST Posts made to each discussion question on at least 3 different days The original post to be no less than 100 words Clarity and Organization of Writing (20%) of your post will be measured on the following criteria: Posts were organized and logical No spelling or grammatical errors References were used and cited properly Professional & Netiquette (10%) in your post will be measured on the following criteria: Respect and consideration toward peers/instructors Appropriate language Professional use of abbreviations and acronyms
Academic Week The academic week starts on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday. Anything turned in after 11:59 pm EST is considered late.
LATE POLICY LATE POLICY TOPTOP Extenuating Circumstances: If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects, quizzes, seminars or participating in the class, please contact your instructor to make alternative arrangements. The possibility of alternative arrangements is at the discretion of your instructor. Active communication is the key to overcoming any hurdles you may encounter during the term. It is your responsibility to inform your instructor (ahead of time, whenever possible) of extenuating circumstances that might prevent you from completing work by the assigned deadline. In those situations, we will work together to come up with a mutually acceptable alternative. Prior notification does not automatically result in a waiver of the late penalties. Please note that evaluation of extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of your instructor and documentation may be required for verification of the extenuating circumstance. Examples of extenuating circumstances may include but are not limited to: personal/family member hospitalization, death in the family, weather/environmental evacuation due to fire/hurricane, or active military assignment where internet connectivity is unavailable for a limited time period. Computer-related issues and internet connectivity issues are not considered extenuating circumstances. Without Extenuating Circumstances: · Up to one week (1-7 calendar days) late 20% deduction in points. · After one week (8-14 calendar days) late 30% deduction in points. · No work will be accepted more than two (2) weeks after the due date. · Late work must be submitted prior to the last day of the course. · Final projects will not be accepted after the due date established in the course. Note: In order for you to make up a quiz, exam or discussion thread, you must contact your instructor by at least one day prior to the day you want to make up the work so that access can be provided. Additionally, you must notify your instructor by when you have submitted late work.
Academic Honesty/Plagiarism: Please be sure your work is your own. PLEASE NOTE: Plagiarism is a serious issue: it is using someone else’s words, ideas or statistics – whether spoken or written, copyrighted or not – without giving full credit to the author of that information. It is considered literary theft (some sources call it fraud), and the penalties are severe, both within the academic world and without. The first time a student is caught plagiarizing, he or she receives a zero grade on that assignment. The second time a student is caught, he or she fails the class; whether it’s the same class as the first offense or not. The third offense results in expulsion from the university. These rules approximate those of nearly all colleges and universities. This policy also covers instances of cheating on tests and other instances of unethical behavior. The policy may be read in its entirety in the Kaplan University Catalog (p. 32 of the pdf version). Kaplan University subscribes to an online service ( which allows instructors to submit student work to help validate the work’s authorship.
Academic Honesty/Plagiarism: Please be sure your work is your own. The Writing Center can help with your questions on plagiarism and how to avoid it. Be sure to cite your work. Read the catalog for policies and procedures. In our course, links and info are under the “Academic Tools” tab in each unit. I will adhere to these policies.
LET’S NAVIGATE! Please open our course! Let’s take a field trip together! –Course Home Page –Doc Sharing –Dropbox –Unit 1 –Units 2-9
Announcements: More is better! Course Tab: Syllabus Virtual Office: Ask away! Atomic Learning Program Portfolio Course Home, Announcements, Doc Sharing
Documents are placed here for you use and assistance: eBook files, homework templates, seminar information and presentations, course tool kit prepared by Prof K, Discussion Board Check list, Website list to help with topics LOTS of other good stuff Doc Sharing is your friend!!
HW Templates: LOOK FOR THE TABS!!!
You will submit your homework each week in the Dropbox area of the classroom. Be sure to use the dropdown to select the homework you are submitting! Dropbox
UNIT 1: Getting to know each other Explore each tab: Unit Outcomes, To-Do List, Extra! Extra!, Academic Tools Introduction, Reading, Seminar, & Assignment What do you have to do in this unit? Review the Course and Course Syllabus Respond to the Discussion Board Introduce yourself. Check out Extra!Extra! International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) website. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Web site CPA Exam Requirements at this web site. Additional self help reading content. Complete Professional Development : 50 POINTS! Please meet requirements!!!
Unit 1 Outcomes By the end of this Unit, you should be able to: 1. Identify the benefits of the CPA certification for accounting professionals 2. Understand the expectations of this course
Units 2 through 9 Explore each tab: Unit Outcomes, To-Do List, Extra! Extra!, Academic Tools Introduction, Reading, Seminar, & Assignment Units 2 – 9 have: READING: TEXTBOOK IS EBOOK! Access is under the “Reading” Tab!!! HOMEWORK Templates in Doc Sharing area! DISCUSSION BOARDS (2 topics) Be sure to answer both topics!!!! SEMINAR: I hope to “see” you there! QUIZ: One time only!!! Timed quizzes!!!
Discussion Board Reminders Two Topics – don’t miss them! Get all the points available. Posting to my post counts as a peer posting. Use the website listing! Draw from your experience. Share!
Quizzes: REMINDER!!! You are now only allowed to log into the quiz once. Once you log into the Quiz you only have two hours to complete it. You can not close it or walk away from it.