Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight” Medieval Romance People looked to religion and literature to help them live a virtuous life Chivalric tales: stories of heroic knights & their adventures; focused on chivalry Strict set of rules for gentlemanly behavior Moral and behavioral code Combination of Christian & military ideals Chivalric values: faith, modesty, loyalty, courtesy, bravery & honor Knights respected and defended the Church, king, country & victims of injustice
Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight” King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable Set in an idealized world nothing like real medieval England Arthurian world: castles, heroes, magical spells Courtly/gallant love Modeled on feudal relationship between a knight and his lord Knight serves lady with obedience and loyalty Knight’s love for lady inspires him to do great deeds
Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight” King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable Set in an idealized world nothing like real medieval England Medieval England Plagues, political battles, civil unrest Women seen as men’s property and the inferior sex
Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight” King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable Famous knights in King Arthur’s tales Launcelot: greatest, most distinguished knight in later Arthurian tales Sir Gawain: Arthur’s nephew; famous for courage and unfailing chivalry in early Arthurian tales
The Romance Genre Imaginative adventure Noble heroes Courtly/gallant love Chivalric code of honor Daring deeds Far Away Setting Depicts events unlike those of ordinary life Idealizes heroes and era in which they live Lighthearted tone Involves fantasy