What Is It Like In Ms. Miller’s Class?
Mint Hill Middle School Expectations We are a “NO GUM” school No food or drinks in classroom 10-minute rule Bathroom procedure You need a pass to leave the room –One Student per pass
Mint Hill Middle School Expectations Cell Phones –Must be OFF and OUT OF SIGHT –If I see it, I will take it, even if it’s off No iPods or other electronics (unless instructed otherwise)
Mint Hill Middle School Expectations Dress Code: –PANTS MUST BE WORN AT THE WAIST –Skirts/shorts BELOW fingertips –No studded belts or bracelets –Jeans: no holes above the knee –No profanity, drugs, or alcohol
Emerald Team Rules Be On Time Be Prepared Show Respect –To your teachers and each other Follow Teacher and School Directions
8 th Grade Discipline Plan Similar to Demerit System Last year. “Infractions” are kept track of in the student’s planner throughout the day. (As well as Ms. Miller’s notes) Consequences AND Rewards built in -MATH MONEY!!!
What do I need everyday? Pencils (multiple) Calculator (TI – 30X IIS) 3 Ring binder with 3 sections Notebook Personal pencil sharpener Personal stapler Loose leaf binder paper
How should I start each class? 1.Sharpen pencils and get ready for class before the bell rings. 2.Sit in assigned seat. 3.Put planner and last night’s homework out on desk. 4.Begin warm-up when or before the bell rings.
What should I expect in class everyday? 1.Warm Up 2.Homework Check 3.Lesson Notes/Examples 4.Practice Classwork/Activity 5.Write down homework 6.Planners stamped
Homework Procedures Homework is assigned at the end of class every day It is YOUR responsibility to write it down –It is MY responsibility to make sure you did… Checked for completeness, not correctness Will be checked at the beginning of class everyday
Homework Procedures HI (HOMEWORK INCOMPLETE) written in your planner if you didn’t do your homework –Lets you know what assignment you need to make up –Lets your parents know that the homework was not completed Homework is included in 35% of your grade.
Binder Procedures Expect to take notes every day in your notebook Suggested Three Sections: –Warm Ups –Quizzes/Tests –Classwork/Homework
Binder Procedures Binder must be organized! Expect random binder grades!! Classwork and Homework can be put in your binder –Do not start classwork or homework on the back of the notes Copy all examples and attempt all problems Every Page needs to be titled with your NAME and date
More Tomorrow… There is more you need to know! Homework: Parent signature X____________________________