Quality Management Report for CCPC Pamela Casey-Lewis, MS, RD June 24, 2015
HRSA National Monitoring Standards Agency Expectations: Participate in Quality Management activities Compliance with HRSA service category definitions and local standards of care Collection and entering data for use in measuring performance
Objectives To utilize the data from the chart review to track the performance of Ryan White core services To identify any areas for improvement To provide the CCPC with the information needed to make funding decisions during the priority setting and resource allocation
The process Chart tool revised Access database updated Abstractors hired Scheduled during the last quarter Data collected and analyzed Data input and compilation
Review of Core Service Categories Ambulatory care Medical case management Oral health services Home and community-based health services Mental health services Substance use services Early Intervention Services (EIS)
Ambulatory Care 4 agencies
At least 2 HIV provider visits during the period
Documentation of Primary Care in the last 6 months
Elements of the Treatment Cascade
Hepatitis-C Status Documented
Other Measures
Highlights Looking good – Prescribed ARV – VL suppression – Documentation of Hep-C status Areas for improvement – Document the dental care
Case Management 8 sites 125 charts
HRSA MCM performance measures
Visits per 12 month period
Screening for other needs
Budgeting, life skills and self-sufficiency
Re-scheduling appointments
Highlights Looking good – Discussing self-sufficiency – Social service assessments – Risk reduction – Partner disclosure There is an increase in MCM clients being seen for 6 or more times per year.
Substance Use 4 sites 38 charts
Care and Treatment
Retention in care
Highlights Drop in retention in care from 3 months to 6 months, but less of a drop than in the previous year Improvement in discussion around medication adherence
Mental Health 5 sites 55 charts
Care and Treatment
Other assessments
Highlights Improvement in documentation of risk reduction, HIV medication adherence slight increase in retention at three months An increase in re-scheduled visits
Oral Health 6 sites 87charts
HRSA Performance Measures for Oral health
Assessment and Retention
Highlights Improvement in all HRSA performance measures Attempts to retain clients in care
Home Health 1 site 15 charts
Performance measures
Early Intervention Services 1 site 15 charts
Performance Measures
Assessment for client needs
Highlights Younger population Less than half were previously linked to care Comprehensive assessments
Evaluation of the Chart Review Good: Helpful staff Separate private, space provided Flexibility with arranging extra time Needs improvement: Accessibility of data from EHRs Client list pulled from ARIES Looking to the future: Review data more often Use different contractors
Patient Satisfaction Boxes placed at several different agencies Partial collection (77) 49 Happy Just okay unhappy
Demographics 50
More demographics 51
The amount of time it takes to get an appointment 52
How does Staff treat you over the phone? 53
How does staff treat you while face-to-face? 54
The way your provider explains health-related information 55
The way your medical provider explains information to you 56
How is your privacy is handled? 57
How happy are you with the way your concerns/complaints are addressed? 58
Do you have a complaint that you are afraid to discuss with the staff? 59
The complaints No return phone call Incorrect medical information in file 60
How happy are you about the cleanliness at the site? 61
What helps you stay in care? 62
Others reasons listed… Talking to my mental health therapist Prescriptions are delivered at no additional charge Everybody is professional and friendly Getting fresh produce My case manager helped lift my spirits 63
What helps you stay connected to care?
Other comments It’s my responsibility to make appointments The staff is phenomenal I have a very good doctor Para transit vouchers
What are some reasons you’ve been out of care? 66
If you were out of care for 6 months, name the reason
Other reasons Didn’t have the money Depression Homeless Personal issues No transportation Sick Didn’t have insurance
How happy are you about recommending this site to other HIV+ clients? 69
Future Client Survey Distribution Increase responses by cross-part collaboration – using peers to promote the survey and to help clients complete it – Consider distributing the surveys at HIV support groups – Make even shorter Make the survey category-specific Make it available on-line 70