Good, with many prospects for better - Managing growth in the Edmonton Metro Region Jim Hiley, P.Ag. and Candace Vanin, P.Ag. Land Use Decision Support (LUDS) Unit Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Source: Presentation to the University of Alberta, Interdisciplinary Environmental Lecture Series (2005 – 2006). January 26, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Presentation (1) Is the Edmonton Metro Region growing? (1) Is the Edmonton Metro Region growing? (2) How is this growth being managed? (2) How is this growth being managed? (3) Are there other growth management options? (3) Are there other growth management options? (4) Let’s aim farther when land use planning! (4) Let’s aim farther when land use planning! (5) Where to from here? (5) Where to from here?
But first – Who we are … * Government of Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Environment Team Environment Team Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration Ag-Information Directorate Ag-Information Directorate * Land Use Decision Support (LUDS) Unit
… what do we do … Support, from a national agricultural perspective, local and regional land use decision-makers in planning the sustainable development of their communities. Support, from a national agricultural perspective, local and regional land use decision-makers in planning the sustainable development of their communities. Source: LUDS Unit, AAFC. Revised December, Land use and decision support (LUDS) Unit Charter. 16 pages.
* Recognize decisions rest with local decision makers * Respect existing planning jurisdictions, communities of practice * Encourage participation, cooperation amongst all stakeholders * Use a comprehensive approach - and ‘one size does not fit all’ * Recognize and respect the ‘Sense of Place’ of local communities … the principles we follow in our work … Source: LUDS Unit, AAFC. November, Draft Land Use Strategy: Internal and not for circulation. 37 pages.
… some of the groups we work with … National network of agricultural land use specialists Statistics Canada City of Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission (former) City of Richmond, British Columbia Canadian Institute of Planners University of Alberta Leduc County, Alberta Red Deer County, Alberta Beaverhills Initiative, Alberta RM of Corman Park/City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Dufferin County, Ontario (Greater Golden Horseshoe)
… and, a disclaimer! This slide set was produced in response to numerous requests for new approaches to integrate rural & urban areas in planning for sustainable development of metropolitan regions within Canada. The material is presented for discussion only. It does not represent the views of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
(1) Is the Edmonton Metro Region growing? (A) Society (B) Economy (C) Environment
(A) Society * Population is growing throughout region * Growth is through migration * Everybody needs to get to work, shop, …
The Edmonton CMA is modestly growing … Source: Statistics Canada. Catalogue nos XIB and XPB. Last modified: XIB XPB XIB XPB
Source: … mainly through migration.
Source: Statistics Canada. Where people reside in our CMA is changing …
Source: Statistics Canada. … as is where they are going to work.
In Edmonton CMA, commuting distances are short… Source: Statistics Canada. Commuting Distance (km) (9), Age Groups (7) and Sex (3) for Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work, for Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2001 Census - 20% Sample Data - Cat. No. 97F0015XCB
Source: Statistics Canada. 2=48&Data=Count&SearchText=edmonton&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom= … but nearly 80% do it solo in their vehicle.
Can 60,000 new people commute the same way? Source: City of Edmonton Planning and Development Dept. Sept Tables 2 and 3, Population Forecasts 2005 – 2010.
(B) Economy * Edmonton has clusters of activity * Each is feeling a hurting kind of growth * Can they continue to meet the demand?
For all 9 clusters, … Source: Edmonton Economic Development Corporation website.
… it’s a hurting kind of growth … Source: City of Edmonton Planning and Development Dept. Feb Edmonton CMA Gross Domestic Product by Industry. In: Edmonton Socio-Economic Outlook Page 37
… too much, too fast, with no end in sight! * check the want ads, media, housing reports, forecasts from all levels of government, analyses from private sector think tanks, chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, … * they can’t all be wrong, right?
(C) Environment * Good news … * and the bad news …
Good news … Good news … * Beaver Hills Initiative * North Sask. Watershed Alliance * Regional Water Emergency Response Guide
Beaver Hills Initiative Beaver Hills Initiative The BHI: was initiated in 2000 by Elk Island National Park was initiated in 2000 by Elk Island National Park Issue: Wildlife habitat & connectivity Issue: Wildlife habitat & connectivity Local governments were engaged to discuss common land use planning issues Local governments were engaged to discuss common land use planning issues the BHI contributes data and information, facilitates regional meetings as well as public extension and education opportunities the BHI contributes data and information, facilitates regional meetings as well as public extension and education opportunities
NSWA – State of the Basin Report NSWA – State of the Basin Report Source: North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance. Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy: significant efforts to plan and significant efforts to plan and manage water (surface & ground) supplies for the future WPAC’s - watershed planning WPAC’s - watershed planning & advisory councils North Saskatchewan Watershed North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance designated a WPAC NSWA supports, integrated watershed management and planning NSWA supports, integrated watershed management and planning investigates instream flow needs, investigates instream flow needs, water conservation objectives, and future allocations, licensing & sustainable use
Regional Water Emergency Response Guide Regional Water Emergency Response Guide Source: Strathcona County. * Emergencies happen, get proactive * Municipalities are responsible for potable water - They can be held liable if it isn’t - They can be held liable if it isn’t * EPCOR and municipalities in Region met in 2002 * Produced guide for water emergency planning
and the bad news … and the bad news … * Growth is of the ‘weakest link’ variety * Premium, non-renewable resources devoured * Huge ecological footprint
Cent. N. Sask. Watershed – 24% increase in 20 years, little in rural areas Source: Statistics Canada. January, Canada’s watersheds: the demographic basis for an urban-rural dialogue. Catalogue No XIE Population growth is spatially concentrated … Population growth is spatially concentrated …
… on/near the source of surface water for one million people & their economy – our weakest link! … on/near the source of surface water for one million people & their economy – our weakest link! Sources:
Urbanization of our best land resources and … Urbanization of our best land resources and … Source: CLI Mapsheet 83H; and AGRASID
LocationAve date of First fall frost Ave date of Last spring frost Frost-free (days) Edmonton Muni Sept 24May 4143 TaberSept 22May Medicine Hat Sept 23May CamroseSept 16May CalgarySept 14May Grande Prairie Sept 11May MillarvilleAug 19June 2258 … our best climatic resources continues unabated. … our best climatic resources continues unabated. Sources: Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta.
Source: Anielski Management Inc Ecologically-speaking, we are a ‘stumbling Bigfoot’!
(2) How is this growth being managed? (A)Society (B)Economy (C)Environment
(A) Society * Most growth is in urban areas * Plethora of municipalities, growth policies * The region is very fragmented
Source: Over 90% of the residents live in 21 urban areas with less than 10% living in 4 rural areas.
That’s 25 various ways that growth is managed… * Different levels of planning resources * More competition that coordination * It is a region in the geographical sense
“Fragmentation in the Edmonton region continues to grow; the city is the fifth most fragmented among 27 of Canada’s major cities.” “Fragmentation in the Edmonton region continues to grow; the city is the fifth most fragmented among 27 of Canada’s major cities.” Presentation to Edmonton City Council, March 2004 Casey Vander Ploeg, Canada West Foundation Source: City of Edmonton website. government/plans+and+initiatives/four+pillars+of+urban+sustainability/Regional+Strategy+-+March+23.htm … not surprisingly, the CMA is very fragmented.
(B) Economy * ‘Wave riding’ approach * Greater Edmonton Competitiveness Strategy * Let’s not forget good public sector management!
‘Wave riding’ approach * 2600 wave riders (i.e., businesses in region) * They are trying to ride the wave of prosperity * Many organizations actively helping them* Source: Edmonton Economic Development Corporation (EEDC) website. Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) website. and, EEDC website tickets (sell out) for 2006 EEDC Annual Luncheon
Greater Edmonton Competitiveness Strategy * It is a partnership amongst 22 municipalities * Cluster-based visions obtained through dialogue * Visions help to formulate activities (and money!) * Innovative work on ‘cross cluster’ topics (e.g., foreign workers, centres of training excellence, …) Source: Western Diversification website:
Let’s not forget good public sector management! Source: City of Edmonton website. y/tax%20report% pdf
(C) Environment * There’s a legislative component * And a regulatory component * And a jurisdictional component * All wrapped up in a framework!
Source: Alberta Environment website at There’s a legislative component …
Guide to Environmental Compliance in Alberta Contents: Guide to Environmental Compliance in Alberta — Gives you the most current information on environmental compliance. Contains EPEA and regulations, plus interpretive chapters by environmental professionals. Chapter titles include Environmental Assessment, Approvals, Water, Releases, Hazardous Waste, Conservation and Reclamation, Groundwater, Pesticides, Contaminated Sites, Air Emissions, Audits and Appeals. Also includes an Enforcement Digest. Style: Loose-leaf. Hard-cover 3-ring binder. Over 700 pages. Price $ ISBN Source: Hazard Alert Training website. … and a regulatory component (700 or so pages) …
… and a jurisdictional component … Global – Canada as signatory to Protocols, agreements, … Canada – federal legislation and regulations management framework of Canada Alberta – provincial legislation and regulations 24 Municipalities – by-laws, regulations, … 2,600 businesses 100’s of 1000’s of households
Source: D. Howat, Presentation to Norwest Labs Inc. at … all wrapped up in a new framework!
So what’s happening in metropolitan regions? Different types of farming are in competition with one another & land users in energy, transportation, recreation, wildlife, urban development, rural sprawl, … for a resource base of varying quality. Note: each colored shape represents a different land use and the area that it influences with Leduc County, Alberta
(3) Are there other growth management options? (A) Improve strengths, especially in urban planning (B) Strengthen weaknesses in regional planning
(A) Improve strengths, especially in urban planning (i) Seek infrastructure efficiencies (ii) Citizen education and awareness (iii)Enhance informal partnerships (iv)Improve information on the quality of life
(i) Seek infrastructure efficiencies * Infrastructure Strategy * Intensification Audit * Infrastructure Rating System Sources: City of Edmonton. 4E8-F31F-48EE-9EA8-F2EDDF2DEE7F/421/consolidated_1998_report.pdf; +planning+and+building/current+and+future+projects/Intensification+Audit.htm; and, +planning+and+building/infrastucture/office+of+infrastructure/Rating+system.htm
(ii) Citizen education and awareness * Smart Choices Program – Planning consultation process (“Planning Academy”) – Tools for the toolbox (“A catalogue of ideas …”) * Public Participation Processes – Building a public participation process (publication of the City of Edmonton) Sources: City of Edmonton. A66-9BA DF-5C383508DE84/0/smart_choices_handoutjuly pdf; and,
(iii) Enhance informal partnerships * Informal partnerships are very important – Multi-agency, staff-led initiatives like the process for resolving inter-municipal planning issues – Continue to sponsor informal groups like the NSWA – Create new partnerships well outside of the ‘box’ Sources: City of Edmonton. and, ent+waste+and+recycling/wastewater+and+sewers/North+Saskatchewan+Watershed+Alliance.htm
Source: Petro-Canada website. How about the example of Petro-Canada, the City of Edmonton & Strathcona County!
(iv) Improve information on the quality of life * Typically, websites offer ‘factoids’ and lists * Can’t tell if life is getting better (or worse) * There are methods to measure quality of life
The Edmonton Economic Development Corporation website is typical of the list approach Source: Edmonton Economic Development Corporation.
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Quality of Life Indicators is a credible alternative
(B) Strengthen weaknesses in regional planning (i) Rethinking the environment portfolio (ii) Regional growth management strategy
(i) Leadership of the environment portfolio * Environment includes natural/biological resources * It is the foundation of human existence* * How it is managed in the Region is ‘fragmented’ * How it is managed within the City is ‘evolving’** *Source: City of Edmonton Environmental Strategic Plan Part 1: Policy Document. **Source: Office of the City Auditor, City of Edmonton, May,
Before we get lost in the details, … *Source: City of Edmonton Environmental Strategic Plan Part 1: Policy Document.
… consider the leadership of the City of Toronto … Sources: City of Toronto.
… with a bit more substance on biodiversity. Source: City of Edmonton website. us=1&space=SearchResult&in_hi_req_spell=1&in_hi_req_ddfolder=1112&parentid=2&in_hi_req_apps=1&cached=false&co ntrol=searchstart&in_hi_req_bbs=1&in_hi_req_gadsrchtype=bannersearch&in_hi_req_initialsearchstring=biodiversity&in_tx_ query=biodiversity&in_hi_req_lang=en&parentname=SearchResult
(ii) Regional growth management strategy * It’s a voluntary approach to regional planning * Shared regional vision of growth is lacking * But wait, what’s on the horizon …
Regional arrangements are possible … Regional arrangements are possible … * Water * Sewer * Transportation * Power * Health * Waste * The list could be longer* … *Source: City of Edmonton website. ernment/plans+and+initiatives/four+pillars+of+urban+sustainability/Regional+Strategy+-+March+23.htm
Source: Alberta Capital Region Alliance. Alberta Capital Region Alliance (ACRA) is a voluntary association of 23 municipalities in the geographical area known as the Capital Region. … so why is regional planning a voluntary activity?
“Edmonton, regions locked in ACRA-mony”* * Edmonton holds all the cards, save the one card held by the Province (‘regional amalgamation’)* * Consolidation of regional planning services is unlikely * Not too many chips on tax harmonization either * Regional antagonism spans many, many decades** * The jury is out on the latest attempt*** **Source: D.N. Rothblatt, San Jose State University North American Metropolitan Planning Reexamined. Pgs *Source: Edmonton Journal. Scott McKeen. Monday, December 5, Mandel’s call to consolidate services is rejected by other municipalities. Pages A13 and A15. ***Source: E.C. LeSage, Jr. and L. Stefanick. New Regionalist Metropolitan Action: The Case of the Alberta Capital Region Alliance.
Shared regional vision of growth is lacking * The most recent regional vision was the early 1990’s* * Regional government was removed in Alberta in mid-90’s * Inter-municipal land use planning was moved to buffer strips at the boundary between municipalities** * Since then, there has been no body to co-ordinate or regulate responsible regional growth.*** **Source: Government of Alberta. Municipal Affairs. ***Source: Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier. Quoted by Marty Hope, Calgary Herald. Saturday, November 5, *Source: Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission. August, Regional Vision Statement. 6 pages.
But wait, what’s on the horizon … *There is agreement* in the Region on the need for: *Regional cooperation and leadership *Regional growth management strategy *Regional database for land use planning *This need was identified and confirmed in 1993!** *Sources: City of Edmonton. Plan Edmonton. +planning+and+building/planning/Plan+Edmonton.htm; as well as Approved Council Motions posted at: 31/2004COS012%20Attachment%202.doc; and, ACRA. Our Priorities. **Source: Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission. Metro Planning Review. Forum Results. Vol. 8, Issue No. 2. ISSN Page 4.
(4) Let’s aim farther when land use planning! *Alberta’s Provincial Land Use Policies (Policy 6.1) notes the need to identify areas where the agri- food industry is a primary ‘driver’ *So: A.Is the agri-food industry a primary ‘driver’? B.How can we identify and plan for this primary driver in metropolitan regions?
(A) Is the Agri-food Industry a ‘Primary Driver’? (A) Is the Agri-food Industry a ‘Primary Driver’? * Within the Province * Within the Edmonton Region
It is at the provincial scale – Alberta’s Primary Production in 2003 *Energy - Oil & Gas- $39.6B *Agriculture & Agri-Food - $19.8B *Tourism & Recreation- $5.4B (2002) *Forestry- $4.0B Source: Alberta Economic Development. and,
Alberta’s Economy – Manufacturing in 2003 Source: Alberta Economic Development; June
… and it is in the Edmonton Metro Region, too. … and it is in the Edmonton Metro Region, too. * Society * Economy * Environment
Society – That’s you, your family and neighbours. 1 million people spend about $38 million per week Used with permission. Estimate based on 1 million people represented as 250,000 households with average of 4 persons per household spending $150 per week
Full-time employment (2000): = 7,296 Full-time employment (2000): = 7,296 * Farming/Ranching – 3,051 * Supplies/Support to Farming * Food Manufacturing – 3,290 * Beverage Mfg – 610 * Agri-Food Business Est. (2003) = 2,938 Source: Edmonton Economic Development Corporation (EEDC). Economy – That’s the Agri-Food Cluster …
… with a diversity of processing companies … Source: Applications Management Consulting Ltd.
“… out of 98 ranked cities world-wide, Edmonton had the second lowest costs in the Agri- Food Industry …”* *Source: Western Diversification website. … enjoying globally competitive cost-advantages.
Where do the raw products come from to support this urban-based, $5 billion (each year!) industry? *Source: Visit the Country website. * Why not accept this invitation to visit the country and see what farm families are doing in the rural Environment?
But don’t wait too long – although Agriculture is No. 1 in the City of Edmonton, by area… Source: City of Edmonton Planning and Development Dept., quoted at Edmonton Economic Development Corporation website. Updated to January, Land Use Distribution in Edmonton Type of Use%Sq KmSq Mi Agriculture Residential Vacant (Undeveloped) Recreation and Open Spaces Industrial Transportation Institutional Commercial Utilities Total
… there is always ‘encouragement’ to change it! Source: Walton International Group Inc. website. Lying within the agricultural area of Edmonton’s Municipal Development Plan, the 1,404 acre North East Edmonton Project is a large land base under single management, giving Walton International Group Inc. (“Walton”) and its investors a larger voice with the City of Edmonton’s Planning Department. While an overall servicing plan has yet to be prepared for the area, Walton is currently encouraging the City of Edmonton to assess the future growth patterns for northeast Edmonton. In addition, the zoning designation of these lands in the Edmonton Municipal Development Plan will have to be changed from Agricultural to Suburban in order for development to occur.
* Consider AIMFAR*, a new approach based on 4 components: * Planning * Technology * Databases * Land evaluation research (B) How can we identify & plan for this primary driver in metropolitan regions? Source: J. Hiley Alberta’s information management framework for agricultural regions ( AIMFAR ).
* Documents rural, County Neighbourhoods * Describes distinguishing social, economic and environmental characteristics of each neighbourhood * Helps identify emerging regional land use issues within each neighbourhood * Helps develop locally relevant neighbourhood strategies What does AIMFAR do for metropolitan planning?
* AIMFAR uses rural, County Neighbourhoods * Initial stratification - land & water resources * Add layers – transportation, non-ag land uses, etc. * Final boundaries - the knowledge of local people Sources: Huhtala, Thomas, Hiley and Kenney. Dec ‘Feeding the apartment dwellers’ – a planning strategy to enhance the long-term viability of contemporary farming in Canada’s urban regions’ in Plan Canada. Vol. 41 No. 4. pp. 12 – 14. See also: McNeil et al. Dec County Neighbourhoods of Red Deer County, Alberta. Key consideration - the base unit for data management and analysis
The recipe: Combine natural resource patterns … The recipe: Combine natural resource patterns … Source: Brierley et al. AGRASID.
… with transportation and non-ag land uses … Source: Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration.
… add dashing, knowledgeable staff & residents … Source: L. Melnickel, Leduc County. Used with permission. MANGO
… to produce rural, County Neighbourhoods (CN’s)! Source: J. Hiley et al. Dec Leduc County Agricultural Land Evaluation Study.
A Tour of Leduc County’s County Neighbourhoods Source: G. Beck, formerly of Leduc County. Used with permission.
By customizing Statistics Canada’s Census of Agriculture within each neighbourhood, we find … Source: J. Hiley et al. Dec Leduc County Agricultural Land Evaluation Study.
… great information on different types of farms … Source: J. Hiley et al. Dec Leduc County Agricultural Land Evaluation Study.
… and where each farmtype is a primary driver … Source: J. Hiley et al. Dec Leduc County Agricultural Land Evaluation Study.
… to identify emerging land use planning issues … For instance, Red Deer County, in the center of the Calgary-Edmonton Corridor is experiencing significant urban/industrial/recreational and acreage pressures. Source: Hiley, McNeil and Walker. June, Agricultural production profiles of County Neighbourhoods within Red Deer County, Alberta.
In 2001, 60% of the County’s Gross Farm Receipts came from the 9 County Neighbourhoods that local residents note are under significant development pressure. Source: Hiley, McNeil and Walker. June, Agricultural production profiles of County Neighbourhoods within Red Deer County, Alberta.
… and develop strategies to do something about it (whether the region is in Alberta, British Columbia, …) Sources: Red Deer County. and, City of Richmond, B.C.
(5) Where to from here? (A) Low density growth is a choice (B) Leadership comes from below (C) Strive to develop a livable region (D) And the final word goes to …
(A) Low density growth is a choice * Some say it is a good choice, and some don’t * It’s not a money-maker from the cost of servicing it * Growing up, not out, is a more efficient choice Sources: Demographia. Canada West Foundation. pdf; and, American Farmland Trust.
(B) Leadership comes from below * Citizens are the driving force of change * They are driven by some very basic needs * People are making new choices, like in housing – more new units are ‘multi’ than ‘single family’ in Edmonton* *Source: City of Edmonton. Sept page 12.
There might be some other key drivers coming in terms of planning of changing citizens’ needs like … * How will the wealthiest generation in human history maintain their mobility when they can’t drive? * Why build new infrastructure if we can’t afford to replace what is there already? * Will an aging population change the (tax) game? * Or, …
… who is responsible for the Region’s air … The Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) was established in March 1994 as a new way to manage air quality issues in Alberta. CASA is a non-profit association composed of diverse stakeholders from three sectors - government, industry, and non-government organizations such as health and environmental groups. The Clean Air Strategic Alliance (CASA) was established in March 1994 as a new way to manage air quality issues in Alberta. CASA is a non-profit association composed of diverse stakeholders from three sectors - government, industry, and non-government organizations such as health and environmental groups. Stakeholders are committed to developing and applying a comprehensive air quality management system for all Albertans. All participants of the CASA consensus-based model … Source: Clean Air Strategic Alliance.
… or when will water demand exceed supply … Sources: Alberta Environment. and,
… it might be sooner than you think … Alberta Government website.
Source: Penn State. … and, why must citizens need a car to get food?
Just a coincidence? The World Planners Congress will have 12 presentations on food system planning! Sources: Canadian Institute of Planners.
(C) Strive to develop a livable region * Growing literature on ‘sense of place’ is informative* * Why not plan for both rural and urban neighbourhoods? * Monitor the diversity of people, plants & animals therein * This diversity is fundamental to sustainable development *Source: United States EPA Community Culture and the Environment: A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place.
**Source: UN Habitat Consider Greater Vancouver Regional District’s World-Renowned Livable Region Strategic Plan * Note the key role that transportation plays in it
(D) And the last word goes to … YOU ! * The key elements to growth management are: * Page 7, EULIS Audit Executive Summary * It was the base for this presentation, have a look * Get involved - there’s lots of great opportunities! Sources: City of Edmonton.
Do YOU think there are many prospects to ‘ AIMFAR ’ther in the Edmonton Metro Region?