LEI. Alejandra Rodriguez
English Arabic Chinese French German Spanish Other languages
Third most spoken. Official language of more than 60 countries Important in the science world and any international organization. Omnipresent on the internet.
Official language of 26 countries Descendent of Afro-Asiatic Language of Koran. 4 dialects Consonants only
Official language of 3 countries First most spoken 7 dialects Descendent of sino-tibetian 7000 symbols Syllables
Official language in 29 countries Descendent of latin 23 dialects Alphabet
Official language in 5 countries Descendent of Germanic 2 dialects Alphabet
2 nd most spoken Descendent of latin Official language of 21 countries Alphabet
Language Official countries Number of people English71380 millions Arabic26280 millions Chinese31 billion French29129 millions German5120 millions Spanish21500 millions
Logographic + Syllabic Alphabet Abjad
ENGLISHARABICCHINESEFRENCHGERMANSPANISH Present3simpleYessimple23 Past3SimpleNo223 Future3simpleNo223 ModalYesNoYesNoYesNo Articles The, A, An TheNo Le, la, un, une 6 Un, una, los, las AdjectiveBlue catCat blueBlue catCat blueBlue catCat blue Conjugati on minimalmax Super minimal max It’s an approximation. Each language has a lot of details.
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