Page 1 ATVs & Off-Road Vehicles Presenter:
Page 2 ATV Safety Messages Get Trained Look first Drive Sober One Seat One Rider Wear the Gear
Page 3 Safety courses increase your skill, so you can learn how to handle your ATV on different terrain and conditions They give you hands on practice and lower your risk of injury Get Trained
Page 4 Look First Looking first means being aware of things that are around you Making smart choices Being prepared
Page 5 Drive Sober – Alcohol, drugs and ATVs don’t mix Do not use any alcohol or drugs when using an ATV Even a small amount will make it harder to think and act quickly
Page 6 One Seat – One Rider! ATV seats are large to allow the rider to shift their weight and control their machine Never have more riders than seats
Page 7 Wear the Gear Wear an approved helmet with face and eye protection every time Over the ankle boots with heels, sturdy gloves, long-sleeved shirts and long pants
Page 8 Amanda
Page 9 Bryan Paul Smith
Page 10 Anthony Paul Wodzinski
Page 11 Sara Rose Hennarichs
Page 12 Activity
Page 13 Wrap – Up Take the things you talked about today and share the message on how to lower the risk of injury from ATV use with your fellow students and family members