Epipelagic & Deep Ocean
Pelagic Ocean Zones (open ocean) Epipelagic- 0 to 200m (photic zone) Epipelagic- 0 to 200m (photic zone) Mesopelagic- 200 to 1000m (midwaters) Mesopelagic- 200 to 1000m (midwaters) Bathypelagic to 4000m (deep water) Bathypelagic to 4000m (deep water) Abyssopelagic to 6000m (deep water) Abyssopelagic to 6000m (deep water) Hadopelagic- deeper than 6000m (trench) Hadopelagic- deeper than 6000m (trench)
Epipelagic (0-200m) Photic Zone Primary Producers: Primary Producers:Phytoplankton Primary Consumers: Primary Consumers: Suspension feeders Suspension feeders Seconday Consumers: Seconday Consumers:Nekton
Primary Producers Plankton Megaplankton (large) Megaplankton (large) Macroplankton, Mesoplankton, Macroplankton, Mesoplankton, Microplankton, Nanoplankton Microplankton, Nanoplankton Picoplankton (Bacteria) Picoplankton (Bacteria) Types of Primary Producing Plankton: Diatoms & Dinoflagellates Diatoms & Dinoflagellates Nitrogen is most limiting factor Nitrogen is most limiting factor
Megaplankton (Mola mola) Salp Pteropod Aurelia-Moon jelly Lion’s Mane Urochordate
Net plankton
Primary Consumers Zooplankton Bacteria: eat DOM making it available to food chain Bacteria: eat DOM making it available to food chain Copepods (most abundant) Copepods (most abundant) Krill Krill Arrow worms Arrow worms
Zooplankton Holoplankton - spend their entire life cycle as plankton Meroplankton - only part of their life cycle is planktonic. More prevalent in Neritic waters Plankton distribution is Patchy throughout the Ocean.
Secondary Consumers Predators Nekton Nekton CarnivoresCarnivores PlanktivoresPlanktivores
Adaptations for Staying in the Epipelagic Zone: Plankton: Plankton: Gas pocket, lipid deposit, light ions, spines to increase drag, tiny size,flagella, ciliaGas pocket, lipid deposit, light ions, spines to increase drag, tiny size,flagella, cilia Nekton: Nekton: Lipid deposits (fat, blubber), swim bladderLipid deposits (fat, blubber), swim bladder Neuston/Pleuston: Neuston/Pleuston: Gas filled floatsGas filled floats
Characteristics of Epipelagic Predators: Highly developed sense organs: Highly developed sense organs: Eyes = Large, good visionEyes = Large, good vision Lateral Line = well developedLateral Line = well developed Echolocation = toothed whales sonarEcholocation = toothed whales sonar
Protective Coloration & Escape Techniques of Epipelagic Predators: Protective Coloration & Escape Techniques of Epipelagic Predators: Transparent BodiesTransparent Bodies CountershadingCountershading IridocytesIridocytes Schooling & coloniesSchooling & colonies “Flying” out of water“Flying” out of water FAST muscular swimmers, sleek compact bodiesFAST muscular swimmers, sleek compact bodies Vertical migration to surface waters to feed at NIGHTVertical migration to surface waters to feed at NIGHT
Characteristics of Epipelagic Zone Visible Light Visible Light Seasonal Thermocline present Seasonal Thermocline present Storms mix thermoclinesStorms mix thermoclines Overturns occur in Epipelagic Overturns occur in Epipelagic Sinking & Upwelling mix strata (layers)Sinking & Upwelling mix strata (layers) Seasonal “Blooms” of plankton Seasonal “Blooms” of plankton
El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Epipelagic: Normal wind patterns in the Pacific change direction….causing the ocean’s surface currents to change temp and direction. Normal wind patterns in the Pacific change direction….causing the ocean’s surface currents to change temp and direction. Tremendous weather changes occur with subsequent economic loss to certain areas of the world. Tremendous weather changes occur with subsequent economic loss to certain areas of the world.
Assignment: Read pg 66 in Text Read pg 66 in Text Write a 5 paragraph summary of ENSO base upon what you’ve just read. Write a 5 paragraph summary of ENSO base upon what you’ve just read. Time: 30 minutes Time: 30 minutes Turn in Summary to Teacher Turn in Summary to Teacher