Acoustic Guitar - Is a guitar that uses only acoustic means to transmit the strings' vibration energy to the air in order to make a sound. Acoustic means not using electric impulses. The sound waves of an acoustic guitar are directed through the body of the guitar creating a sound. This typically involves the use of a sound board and a sound box to strengthen the vibrations of the string
Here are the top 5 Best Acoustic Guitars
Yamaha -Yamaha Corporation is brand from Japan which became number one supplier musical instrument in Asian, European and US, especially acoustic guitar, utilizing the finest and best woods for all their guitars and custom handmade together with great finishing
Fender -Fender enterprise is very popular electric guitars brand from Scottsdale, Arizona. But Fender also make acoustic guitar, Their acoustic guitar is exceedingly durable and made to suit for school melodies program learners and beginner for first instrument.
Ibanez -Ibanez is one of the best selling electric and bass guitar brand. But they also make good acoustic too, one of their product is V series for beginner player, making it one of the best for beginners acoustic guitar.
Gibson -The fret board of their guitar characteristics is utilizing rosewood which has been professionally qualified by Gibson group of trained professionals. Their acoustic guitars having smooth sound and comfortable for playing, you wouldn't get disappointed with the quality.
Epiphone -Epiphone is association from Gibson company for acoustic guitar. The sound quality of Epiphone guitars like all Gibson product, with variation of price making Epiphone become popular.
References: \ m=isch&sa=X&ei=AmJ- VL_VL8Lc8AWut4GICQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=acoustic+ibanez+guitar+with+black+backgrou nd&imgdii=_ sa=X&ei=D2R-VPD3F8G58gXwgIGwDQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgdii=_ =isch&sa=X&ei=AmJ- VL_VL8Lc8AWut4GICQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=acoustic+yamaha+guitar+photographed&facr c=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=fOCdIyDjaSGpAM%253A%3BgN_UozKx- content%252Fuploads%252F2014%252F04%252FAcoustic-Guitar-Music- wallpaper-4203%252F%3B2560%3B a=X&ei=rcB7VL_vMcK68gWMqIHABA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=epiphone+acoustic+guitar&im gdii=_ a=X&ei=rcB7VL_vMcK68gWMqIHABA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=gibson+acoustic+guitar&imgdi i=_