Traffic light game
What time is it according to this clock? 2 minutes to six 2 minutes to four Quarter past 8
What time will the film finish? Quarter past 9 35 minutes past 8 Quarter past 10
74 and and and 26 Which 2 of these numbers have a total of 100
56 and and and 26 Which two of these numbers have a difference of 50?
23 and and and 56 Which of these numbers is PRIME
What is as a decimal?
This is the petrol gauge on Belinda’s car. As a fraction, how full with the petrol is the tank
5 litres This is the petrol gauge on Belinda’s car. When full, the tank contains 40 litres. Estimate the amount of petrol in the tank. 10 litres 8 litres
A McDonalds Big Mac costs £2.73 how much change would you get from £5.00 £1.80 £3.17 £2.27