OBJECTIVES OF COUNTING ObjectiveReasons why information is needed 1. Estimate the Numbers of game How many? estimating stocking rates and biomass to manage the veld and grazing conditions and competition between species; setting reasonable off-take quotas; determining the value of wildlife in the Park; providing information to visitors. 2. Produce wildlife Distribution maps. Where are they? land-use planning and zonation; planning tourism routes; monitoring veld condition in areas of high game concentrations; tracking distribution changes from year to year in response to rainfall or human factors such as water distribution, removal of fences, off-takes, etc. 3. Monitoring Population Changes Is wildlife increasing or decreasing? monitoring changes per species per year; management purposes, to assist the Park to achieve its goals and objectives for wildlife management, biodiversity conservation and the protection of rare and vulnerable species.
Mountain zebra – population estimate In 2006 (high rainfall year) Mnt Zebra moved westwards into the mountainous areas of the Fish River Canyon and Huns Mountains, with significant numbers leaving the GCP. This year (2007), with the dry conditions, animals moved eastwards back into GCP. Reflects both a growing population and extensive movement patterns in response to rainfall. Fence removals have allowed this mobility and natural responses to climatic variability – and thus overall more healthy populations.
Gemsbok - Population estimate Gemsbok populations continue to increase following the good rainfall year of Carrying capacity for the GCP is estimated at about 1,000 gemsbok.
Springbok – population estimate Springbok numbers have increased over the years (from a starter population of some 500 animals) to the current population of some 3,600 animals. The overall increase has probably been larger than reflected here in the 2007 count, because of animals disbursing into neighbouring areas (particularly the Ai-Ais National Park) as a result of orad fence fence removals within the GCP. This has created a more diverse set f habitats and the overall numbers and condition f animals is expected to improve as a result.
Kudu – population estimate
Ostrich – population estimate Ostrich populations often increase rapidly in response to good environmental conditions. This has occurred in the GCP following the good rains of 2006.
Gemsbok distribution Increasing and expanding populations of Gemsbok in the GCP, starting at some 30 animals in 1988 and estimated as some 620 in 2007
Springbok distribution Removal of road fences have allowed Springbok to move into areas not previously occupied by them, and to move back and forth seasonally in response to rainfall and grazing