Matthew Mansour
Introduce yourself to 1 person sitting close to you and tell them…. Who you are Your Expertise & Background Why you are here Don’t Forget ME!!!
…taken an online course …taught an online course …developed an online course
Learning Paradigm shift By 2011 university students will not remember life before computers.
Years of experience Wisdom ◦ Trials & Tribulations Tons of Best Practices
Recognize the shift Push Traditional Instructors to Put courses online with no formal training. ◦ Poor quality ◦ Talking heads ◦ Static powerpoint ◦ Reading assignments & Discussions
Discuss what e-learning is Meet our teams “Experience Research” Discuss best and worst practices
Online Books?
Discussion Boards
Fancy Design Software?
Is e-Learning as effective as traditional face to face courses?
It depends on… ◦ Instructor/Course Design ◦ Learners
Are Traditional Courses Always effective?
What was your favorite face to face class? What made this class stand out?
…taken a BAD online course In your groups discuss what specifically made this course “BAD” _______________________
Don’t give clear instructions / navigational directions in the course Don’t communicate with the students ◦ Don’t participate in discussions ◦ Don’t return or voice mail Wait until the very end of the course to return graded assignments
Put folders inside of folders inside of folders Don’t Chunk Assume they will read ◦ Post important information in only one place
Use fancy media that requires plug-ins ◦ Don’t tell students upfront ◦ Let them try to figure it out on their own ◦ (Long download times)
…taken a GREAT online course In your groups discuss what specifically made this course “GREAT” _______________________
Clear Navigation Clear Expectations Interaction ◦ Instructor-student ◦ Student-student ◦ Student-Content Timely Communication
Clearly outline your expectations ◦ How and where to put/find assignments ◦ Something TANGIBLE Clearly outline student expectations ◦ “All assignments will be returned by…” ◦ “ will be returned within 36 hours”
Communicate with students ◦ Return and voice mail promptly The number one issue at MQ when lecturers and teachers receive feedback in there Teacher Evaluations is “ my teacher did not communicate or respond in a timely manner”
Put the students in charge of their own learning ◦ “Idolgogy” Use appropriate Multimedia to address various learning styles ◦ “Disnegogy”
Foster networking within the class ◦ Don’t let them think they are alone Engage the students in interaction ◦ Play games ◦ Create Scenarios
“CHUNK” material ◦ No more than 1 hr at a time Post important items in multiple locations
From Campus Technology Magazine: “As with any learning environment, the most worthwhile student experiences emerge when students can interact with their educators.” (Villano, 2008) From the Online publication: “…research shows that loneliness…drives away a lot of online students.” (Terrell, 2008)
Ease of Use Communication Interaction-Engagement TIMELY Feedback Clear Expectations Clear Navigation
Horton, William. E-Learning By Design Workshop, Training 2006 Conference. Orlando, Fla. Villano, M (January 2008). 13 Tips for Virtual World Teaching. Campus Technology, 21(5), Terrell, S (2008).Consider Learner Characteristics, Learning Conditions in Course Design. Online ?, 8. teaching/ teaching/ Quality Matters FIPSE Grant project online: