Women and Higher Education
India Population: 1.27 Billion 28 States Capital: New Delhi Patriarchal Society
Traditional Indian Female Roles
Modern Indian Woman
Urban Work Force 15.4% of urban workforce are women Fastest growing sector: domestic work 1.5 million women added to sector over last decade 71% not active in economy
Gender Preference
Dowry System Dowry: payment to the groom’s family at the time of marriage Jewels, cash, cars, domestic appliances Up to $50,000 Bride cuts all ties with natal home
Declaration of the Rights of the Child
Benefits of Education
The Realities of Child Marriage
Child Brides Child Brides are more prone to: Miscarry Be infected with HIV Have three or more births Undergo multiple abortions
Education: A Solution
Where We Are Now Government is beginning to implement changes Smallest portion of budget Still face social, political and economic barriers
Educate Girls
Get Involved Center for Women’s Studies: “provides a point of entry where women students’ concerns can be handled directly or referred to appropriate units” Bouke Building Association for India’s Development South Asian Student Assoication South Asian Student Association FEA-MESA
Sources ree-gap-for.html 21.cfm gender-salaries/ among-college-women/ population.html
children/ otherstates/over-100-girls-from-utkal-university-sit-for-iaf- recruitment-test/article ece to-college-rises-almost-50-in-4-years/ is-leaving-women-behind/article ece
indian-women/ evils-of-dowry-system/ p / /?type=3&theater
ml education/ Indias-Children-Marrying-at-Age-8/