What’s Copyright??
Copyright is the legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of their original works. Copyright law prohibits the unauthorized duplication, adaptation, or distribution of a creative work.
For most multimedia projects, copyright laws will come into play when you add music, images, or video clips created by others to your work. If you plan on broadcasting your project publicly, you need to get permission from and pay royalties (a fee for use) to the copyright owner of any copyrighted material you use.
Royalty: payment to the holder of a patent or copyright or resource for the right to use their property
Intellectual Property: ◦ Have you ever written a story, created a work of art, or composed a song? If so, you have created intellectual property. ◦ Written works, photographs, artwork, and music are a few of the many products that people create from information and ideas. ◦ Many people enjoy sharing their intellectual property with others. However, they may want to get credit for their hard work.
Copyright Myths True or False?
If in doubt, get permission When sharing outside the classroom, get permission Always cite the source where the information was gathered