Land Reform Monitoring
What can we accomplish? Provide feedback on the status, impacts on local communities and take actions accordingly Educate and empower stakeholders in the process
Conceptual Framework
Scope of monitoring Strategic, given lack of resources Local, state, national But regional too: Agricultural investments transcend national borders Value in a regional analysis of land deals Regional institutions are stakeholders in land transactions
Monitoring components INPUTS Land Laws, Policies, Public Expenditures PROCESSES Agrarian Reform programs, resolution of disputes, formalizing land claims OUTPUTS Land Titles, Property Rights, Support Services OUTCOMES Tenure Security, Access to Land IMPACTS Food Security, Poverty Alleviation
Common Regional Indicators We focus on outcomes: After all the agrarian reform laws have been crafted, programs implemented and titles issued, questions remain: are the farmers’ tenure on land more secure? Do they have greater access to their lands?... as well as inputs (budgets and policies).
Land Disputes # of people killed(per 100,000 population) detained(per 100,000 population) harassed(per 100,000 population) # of cases received(per 100,000 population) investigated(per 100,000 population) adjudicated(per 100,000 population) Average time in years for dispute resolution Land grabbing # of cases of land grabbing Percentage of area of land grabbed Additional indicators Annual loss of time due to disputes Monetary loss Land Disputes: “conflicts arising out of competing interests or when different parties have varying interests on the same parcel of land” (FAO, 2002).
Evictions Evictions: “the permanent or temporary removal against the will of individuals, families and/or communities from the homes and/or land which they occupy, without the provision of, and access to, appropriate forms of legal or other protection” (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). # of households evicted/ displaced from farms (per 100,000 population) # of households becoming totally homeless due to eviction
Access to Land Ownership and Landlessness Land ownership distribution by size Gini coefficient/bottom-to-top ratio (for analysis) # and % of landless persons among rural population Tenancy Rights # of sharecroppers % of sharecroppers with legal documents % of contract farmers’ area in relation to total agricultural area
Mechanisms for land reform monitoring Adoption of the monitoring framework Setting up national steering committees and secretariats Conduct of land reform monitoring Data validationDissemination of reports
The Report Annually Focus (2013) : land grab, women, IPs Communicating and sharing results: with government, IGOs, media, etc. through policy briefs, blogs, social media, etc. mechanisms: forums, dialogue