Austin Urban Project How does Austin’s sustainability plan compare to the other cities?
Warm up: Please sit at number of table you were assigned(1-6) Everyone log onto a computer/Ipad LETS PLAY URBANOLOGY
Step one: Research ( about 1 Class ) Each person in your group has one topic to focus on (Housing, Renewable energy, Transportation, Zero Waste, Gas emissions/Air pollution) Using the links on the website as well as any additional sources you find, please fill out the graphic organizer that compares how Austin compares to your given city in regards to your topic only! Write down three pieces of evidence and make sure to write down the source of your information! Make sure to write down websites used as you will be responsible for creating a works cited page in step 5!!!!!!
Your problem: AustinCity 2: What does it look like? Example 1:__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Example 2:__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Example 3:__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Sources: Name_________ per____ What does it look like? Example 1:__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Example 2:__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Example 3:__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Step Two: Presenting information You will use your information and create one slide summarizing how Austin compares to your given city. (remember you need to think about how you would grade Austin based on your analysis plus the other 4 people in your group) You should include at least two captioned visuals on your slide.
Step Three: Putting it together You will your slide to one person in your group who will put them all together into a power point presentation. (Should be a total of 5 Slide presentation) Once your information is together as a group you need to review all the information and discuss how you would grade the city of Austin in its efforts to become a sustainable city.
Step Four: Report Card You will create a slide with a grade for Austin and a 5-7 sentence justification of your grade using A.P.E.
Step Five: Works Cited cited page with all group members sources Properly formatted Works Cited list using Chicago Style citations (for more information DO NOT use Easybib or any of those other kinds of resources as they do not properly format)
Step Six: Present Each group will present Each person will talk about their one topic Group will all explain grade Presentation should be no longer than 7-10 minutes Classmates will take notes on cities they did not research (6 total) You will be grades while presenting