GPS: MM3A2c, MM3A2e, MM3A2f
MM3A2c – Define logarithmic functions as inverses of exponential functions. MM3A2f – Graph functions as transformations of f(x) = a x, f(x) = log a x, f(x) = ex, f(x) = ln x. MM3A2e – Investigate and explain characteristics of exponential and logarithmic functions including domain and range, asymptotes, zeros, intercepts, intervals of increase and decrease, and rate of change.
Logarithmic FormExponential Form
Try page 145, 1-8
Before we answer that, what is a function? ◦ Think maps ◦ How would we solve the following functions? Domain Range 2 3
Logs are “undone” by exponents – and vice versa Natural logs (ln) are undone by e – or vice versa
Original function Switch x and y Write in exponential form. Solve for y. *The inverse is when you solve for y*