Proofreading Warm-up Item 1 November is an important date in american history. Corrected November 22, 1963, is an important date in American history.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 2 Thats the day president john f kennedy was killed in dallas texas. Corrected That’s the day President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas, Texas.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 3 Is there anyone whom doesn’t remember what they were doing at that fateful moment. Corrected Is there anyone who doesn’t remember what he or she was doing at that fateful moment?
Proofreading Warm-up Item 4 Mother set in front of the television and watched and cryed. Corrected Mother sat in front of the television and watched and cried.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 5 many questions were rose about the assassination. Corrected Many questions were raised about the assassination.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 6 The girl knowed she should not of been watching the family, threw the kitchen window. Corrected The girl knew she should not have been watching the family through the kitchen window. (comma after family deleted)
Proofreading Warm-up Item 7 Jude and her both like stories about world war II Corrected Jude and she both like stories about World War II.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 8 Wounded the pilot was triing to fly back too his base after a bombing mission. Corrected Wounded, the pilot was trying to fly back to his base after a bombing mission.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 9 The man laid in the hospital bed and listened to the sound of a plane a long ways away. Corrected The man lay in the hospital bed and listened to the sound of a plane a long way away.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 10 There’s several reasons the pilot become suspicious. Corrected There are several reasons the pilot becomes suspicious.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 11 He had been hurted bad during the bombing. Corrected He had been hurt badly during the bombing.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 12 The piece, that was finaly acheived at the end of World War II, came as a releif to so many people. Corrected The peace that was finally achieved at the end of World War II came as a relief to so many people. (commas deleted)