VERSION HISTORY Pharmacy UI Improvements v2.0 | Sathyan Velumani | IST Added to the Start.Inventory Functions left Navigation.Request Drug function with modal input form for adding drugs and view in grid with delete functions Pharmacy UI Improvements v1.0 | Sathyan Velumani | IST Shows the use of history tab to display past medications to a patient and the function to select them to create the new pharmacy order UI Improvements v1.0 – Paper Wireframes PHARMACY MODULE 1
Inventory Page 2 The left navigation is divided into STOCK FUNCTIONS and ORDERS Icons for the functions(Lauren Colton, is helping us with this)
Selection of NEW REQUEST from left Menu 3 On selecting the task, The it opens on the right side Eg. NEW REQUEST is selected here We can have some help text here “Add drug” opens the form on a modal
Search on the left side 4 Add another check box, for multiple additions
Filling the Drug details in the modal 5
View of the Drugs added for REQUEST 6 On add, the drugs are shown on the main page on a grid with DELETE (recycle bin) on the right We are replacing the excel method of adding to MODAL forms, similar to OPD Selecting ‘to’ location – for the request
Search on the left side 8
Searching a Patient 9
Patient found – Creating New Pharmacy Order adding drugs VIEW HISTORY BUTTON Shows the previous drugs with filters such as PAST WEEK, RECURRING in a [MODAL VIEW] Adding drugs from the history is show in the next page 10
History modal view FILTERS – PAST WEEK, RECURRING MODAL VIEW shows the previous drugs in the patient record Check boxes on the left of every items allows the selection of the drug to be added to the NEW ORDER 11
Selection of drugs from PAST WEEK 12
Drugs added to the NEW PHARMACY ORDER 13