KS1 Maths Workshop
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
add plus more than increase total sum altogether double How many more? and
Doubles and near doubles = 12, = 13, = = 70, = 71 etc Multiples of 10 and multiples of 5 which add up to 100… , etc Number bonds to 10 eg, = 10, 9+ 1 = 10…. Addition facts for numbers up to =6; 5+1=6; 4+2=6… Numbers bonds to 20 19+1; 18+2; All addition facts to 11, 12, 13 …20
= ? Writing operations and solving problems using ‘informal methods’ Firstly, encourage mental strategies (starting with the higher number, counting on, looking for pairs which make 10, verbal discussion about the method used to get an answer, checking!) On Monday morning, Bailey get 4 housepoints, Marconi get 3, Albright get 6 and Mustad get 7. What is the total number of housepoints given?
Simple, informal jottings… use of a number line = ? X
25 2 Tens and 5 Units PLACE VALUE – Tens and Units… What is the value of each underlined digit in the following numbers? Hundreds, 9 Tens and 3 Units Can you add single units to any number? Can you add multiples of 10 to any number Can you add multiples of 100 to any number?
Being able to split a number into Hundreds, Tens and Units is VERY IMPORTANT! This is called ‘partitioning’ and ‘recombining’ 28 2 tens and 8 units 28 = 4 tens and 9 units 49 = 616 902 7 tens and 3 units = 6 tens and 2 units 3 hundreds and 7 units = = =
Using a ‘mental’ or empty numberline = = 47 + (20 + 4) = X
Getting quicker… = = 47 + (20 + 4) = 47 X
A different strategy… = Add the tens together and then add the units together ( ) + (6 + 2) = = 68
subtract take away decrease leave How much less is..? reduce difference between How many fewer is…..than….? minus
Multiples of 10 up to 100… , 100 – 20 = 80 etc Number bonds up to 10 Eg, = 3, = 4… = 10, = 8 Numbers bonds up to 20 All bonds to 11, 12, 13 …20 It is important that children move away from the language of ‘take away’ in Key Stage 1 and move towards ‘subtraction’.
Counting back… …on a numberline
Simple, informal jottings… use of a number line = ? At Key Stage 1, children will count back on the numberline to find the answer
The link between addition and subtraction
multiply lots of multiples double scale up product repeated addition double arrays times
Can you draw an image to show … 4 x 2
4 sets of 2
4 x 2 4 lots of
4 x 2 4 lots of
4 x 2 4 times 2
4 x 2 4 two times 4 + 4
4 x 2 4 multiplied by 2 ARRAYS
Fast, mental recall of times tables is really, really IMPORTANT!
divide group divisor remainders share fractions decimals
12 3 = 4 Sharing There are three children and 12 cakes. How many can they each have, if I share them out equally? Sharing 12 things equally into 3 piles. How many in each
Grouping There are 12 cakes. How many children can have three each? (How many threes are there in 12?) 12 3 = 4
Language and division The sign represents both the sharing and grouping aspects of division Encourage the children to read this as ‘divided by’ rather than ‘shared by’, Even easier – ‘HOW MANY!’
4 x 3 = 12 3 x 4 = ÷ 3 = 4 12 ÷ 4 = 3
Thank you Please feel free to go and visit the year group stands to see a range of resources which can be used to support the methods discussed